Tips For Your First Time in the Gym
As you all know, I love the gym and working out and trying (sometimes failing) to make myself better! I workout as often as my body allows me and try to eat well, but I also enjoy eating juicy Sonic burgers and the too-many-calories lattes at Starbucks! I started working out when I was 16 and fell in love with the stress relief it provided. I spent a lot of time in the gym and worked really hard to reach goals. The past year I have eased up and taken more time off of the gym because I wanted to spend more time with the man who is now my husband (worth it!). As I ease back into it and figure it all out (for a more clear explanation on all of this, read this post) I think back to the beginning days. I was lucky to have my brother around to teach me how to properly lift, and what exercises work what muscles. However, I see a lot of newbies in the gym and I can tell they are lost and don't know what they are doing. It takes quite a bit of confidence to get to the gym for the first time, and it is daunting! Being confused about certain machines, not having a plan, and being very self conscious makes for a difficult time in the gym. This difficult first experience makes it even harder to walk into the gym for a second workout. I don't want that for anyone! I think the gym is a wonderful space to better yourself and escape from the world for a time. It is so beneficial in so many different ways, and I think that everyone should give it a try.
Giving it a try is difficult, so I am here to give you a few tips if you are about to walk into the gym for the first time and are worried + confused! (These tips are in no particular order and are based off of my own experiences!)

(young, beginner Kaydee who didn't know how to flex)
ONE // Do Some Research
It is so easy to get information in today's world, and there are loads of places you can look to find information on working out. I think it is really important to take your time and read about exercising, the benefits, and proper form. Whether you are doing cardio, weight lifting, or a class, do some research and learn about the benefits of these. Make sure you know why you are about to walk in the gym and what it is actually going to do for your body. is an excellent resource.
TWO // Set Small Goals
It is unrealistic to think on your first week in the gym you will workout a full 5 days, kick butt, and take names. The more likely reality is that after 1-2 days you will be super sore + tired. Set a small goal of 2 days, maybe 3 days, for your first week. It is best to set small, easily achievable goals to help build confidence! Once you achieve those small goals, you can begin to set larger goals.
THREE // Dress Cute + Comfortably
One way to help boost your confidence as you step foot into the gym for the first time is to wear something cute! When you dress cute you feel cute, and when you feel cute you feel ready to accomplish the task at hand! That being said, it is important to be comfortable. Make sure the clothes you wear don't make you more self-conscious or insecure. If you don't wear crop tops normally, don't wear them to the gym!
FOUR // Have a Plan
When you decide to start working out, make a plan. It does not have to be a long, thought out and scientific training program. but it needs to be a plan. Especially on your first week. This is where the research becomes helpful. Plan how long you are going to work out, and what exactly you are going to do. This will make your time go some much better! You will feel more comfortable in the gym because you have an idea of what you will be doing.
FIVE // Get a Gym Buddy
The best thing that ever happened to me in regards to the gym is having a gym buddy. Whether they know how to workout or are a beginner like you, they are so helpful! Gym buddies (good ones, anyway) motivate you, they learn along side you, they celebrate your successes. They are such a benefit to working out and I highly suggest you find a friend to workout with you!
SIX // Opt for a Trainer
At most commercial gyms, they have personal trainers you can schedule time with. These trainers do cost extra, but they can teach you what you need to know in a short time. They don't have to be permanent and will help push you to be better! I personally didn't hire one because I couldn't afford it, but if you can it will be very helpful!
SEVEN // Don't Give Up
Whatever you do at the gym, don't give up. The beginning will be difficult and there will be days when you don't feel like going, but DON'T GIVE UP! It will pay off in the end and it will get easier every week! You will feel so much better if you continue to push through the difficulties and give it a real, genuine effort. Commit to one month and don't give up, because I bet you will be ready to commit to month two!

(mature, seasoned Kaydee who has bigger muscles & a better head on my shoulders)
I hope that these tips have been helpful to you, and that you fall in love with working out the same way that I have! It can be overwhelming and intimidating to start at the gym, but it can be one of the most rewarding decisions you make.