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ANNOUNCEMENT: THE Unfolding Podcast

hey there hi there ho there!

Welcome back to Coffee with Kaydee, I'm so glad you are here!

Today I'm sharing something else I'm working on....okay. Here we go.

I started a podcast!

Let me tell you, I talked previously about feeling nervous to share projects that I'm working on, and this one has made me the absolute most nervous. None of my friends or family do anything similar to what I do for my *hobby.* I don't know anyone else who consistently blogs for fun, creates content on social media, or has a podcast. Imposter syndrome has been huge for me with this podcast. I want to be bold and confident in my ventures, but to be honest I feel nervous and embarrassed. I was so scared to even share this news with anyone because I don't feel like I'm capable or qualified. I fear that people will think I'm dumb, silly, or fake. It's been hard to swallow that fear and step out and share this anyway. I did share it in my newsletter at the beginning of April and on my ministry page on Instagram, and it was still scary, but I knew not as many people would know about it.

Why do I feel so incompetent? Well for one, I have never done anything like this before. Two, I don't have equipment and I am doing it in a very beginner style. Lastly, I'm doing it alone. It's scary putting something out into the world that you know you are called to do while facing the unknowns of people's reactions. To overcome my fear I've had to repeatedly tell myself that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, what matters is that I'm walking in the will of God. Whether 2 people listen or 20,000 people listen, if I walked in obedience, that's enough. However, if I don't share my podcast, no one will hear it, no one will hear the truth that God has called me to share, and I won't be used of God. So I had to share it.

I've been reading the book of Acts for the past month or so (I took a brief break to read through the last week of Christ's life before Easter). A story was brought to my mind from Acts, about Paul, the other day as I was thinking on this post and facing my fear of sharing this venture. It's in Acts chapter 21. Paul and his partners in ministry were on their way back to Jerusalem from one of their missionary journeys. They stopped to visit someone in Caesarea, and a prophet named Agabus came to visit them. He told Paul that if he goes to Jerusalem he will be bound and arrested and delivered to gentiles. When everyone heard this, they begged Paul not to go to Jerusalem. Paul's reply is what got to me:

Then Paul answered, "What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be imprisoned but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus." Acts 21:13.

Paul felt God leading him to Jerusalem, and even though he knew he faced arrest and beatings and even death, he obeyed the calling. He was fully ready to face whatever awaited him in Jerusalem for the name of Jesus.

And here I am scared to share that I started a podcast where I talk about Jesus and the truth of God's word.

It kind of hit me in the gut and is what's is motivating me to press the publish button on this post.

So yeah, I started a podcast as a branch of my ministry, The Unfolding Co on Instagram. It's called "The Unfolding Podcast with Kaydee Beedy", and it's currently available on Spotify and Anchor, and soon to be available on Apple Podcasts as well. In the first episode of the podcast I talk all about what the purpose of the podcast is and how it came about, so I won't bore you with that here. The second episode is my testimony, because I want you to know why I believe the Bible before you hear me talk about it. You can click the the image below to listen!

It's in the very beginning stages and there are only a couple episode up right now. You'll have to bear with me as I work out the kinks and figure out a recording/editing schedule for it. I will be posting new episodes hopefully every other Friday until the summer, and then in the fall I plan to be definitely posting every other Friday. Over the summer the schedule will change a bit, but I will post at least an episode a month in June and July.

Now here's how you can support me in this endeavor!

1 // Save To Library

The first way you can support me is by saving the podcast to your Spotify library! This let's Spotify know you want to here it, and will let you know when new episodes are available.

2 // Listen to All Publish Episodes

This is a really important one! You can support me most by listening to all the episodes. This marks you as an established listener which is vital for the success of this podcast! If I can get 50 established listeners, I can then get sponsorships! This would allow me to make some money off of the podcast that would go toward investing in recording equipment to improve quality. It would mean so much to me to get 50 established listeners!

3 // Leave a Rating

You can leave a star rating on Spotify and let them know you enjoy the show. This let's Spotify know that the show is worth people's time and they will push it out to get more listeners!

4 // Share!

Share a link to the podcast on you instagram or facebook, share this blog post, or tag @theunfoldingco on Instagram when you listen! Spread the word! This is not for personal gain, this is so that many can hear the truth of God's word, so that many may come to know Him, and so that many women will be encouraged and uplifted!

Thank you once again for your support! I have some more plans with my Bible Study, a website, and this ministry. I appreciate you praying along with me about all of this as I see what doors God opens for me!

Talk soon.


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