TV Show Round Up - Summer Edition
hey there hi there ho there!
A few months back I wrote a post all about the shows I've watched recently. My husband and I love sitting down in the evening and binge watching a new show or one of our classic favorites. We're kind of always on the prowl for something new to watch, and I think it's super fun to share what we are watching. I personally have been in a slump with TV shows lately. I've been tasting shows (Frasier, Melissa and Joey, Little Fires Everywhere) but I haven't found anything binge worthy yet. So here are a few of the shows that we've watched in the past few months that ARE binge worthy.

1 // Holey Moley
Holey Moley is an extreme mini golf competition on ABC. It's hosted by Joe Tessitore and Rob Riggle, and it is one of our favorite summer watches! It's basically a mix of wipe out and mini golf. Golfers go head to head and try to make it to the championship, where $250,000 is on the line. The hosts are hilarious, and it's super fun to watch! It always makes me want to go mini golfing. If you're looking for something fun to watch that feels summer-y, I'd recommend this! It's on Hulu. 5/5 stars for Holey Moley!
2 // Making It
Second on the summer reality competition show list is Making It! This is on NBC and it is hosted by Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman, if I'm being honest those two are the only reason I started watching it. Competitors are faced with two timed challenges every episode. One person wins a patch each episode, and one person gets voted off. It is SO GOOD. It's so fun to watch people create things (especially if you are into crafting like me). It is 100% drama free which is a must for us, it's just feel good, fun competition. The projects they make are so interesting and definitely inspire me to get creative and make things with my hands. You can also watch the most recent episodes on Hulu. I'll give it 4/5 stars!
3 // Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso is an Apple TV original, and it quickly became a new favorite. It's a show about an American football coach (Jason Sudeikis) who gets a job coaching an English soccer team. It's all about positivity, kindness, and blooming where you are planted. Though Lasso has no experience coaching, he pushes through and does the best he can for his team, all while dealing with being away from his family. If you're looking for a feel good, funny show to watch, this is the one for you! Season 2 is out on Apple TV on July 23, so you can get all caught up before it is released! 4.5/5 stars for me!
4 // Superstore
Superstore is a work place comedy on NBC starring America Ferrera. At first it's a bit cheesy and hard to get into. After the first couple of episode you catch onto the humor and get caught up into the story line! It's goofy and makes lots of jabs and political issues. If you've worked in retail, you can definitely relate to this show! I'd probably give it 3/5 stars. Not amazing or fall of my chair funny, but definitely worth watching!
5 // The Morning Show
I haven't watched this one all the way through yet, but this is a super interesting tale. An Apple TV original starring Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, and Steve Carrel, this shows takes us through the experiences of two female journalists and the struggles they face as women in the workplace, as well as the challenges of being a man in the spotlight and the challenges faced during the Me Too movement. It is definitely a heavier, darker drama. It is super intriguing and I can't wait to finish! 4/5 stars!
What are you watching right now? Comment below so I can join you, I'm always looking for something new to binge!