Summer Bucket List!
Hey there hi there ho there!
It’s June! It’s S U M M E R! I am so happy it’s summer. I’m ready for sunshine, camping, popsicles, zoo trips, rain storms, all the things. I thought it would be super fun to put together a little summer bucket list! Maybe it will turn out to be more of a to do list? I don’t know...anyway, here’s our summer bucket list!
1 // Camping
Yes! We are pumped to go camping this summer, even with twin babies! Camping is, hands down, our favorite summer activity. While having babies is going to make it a little tricky, we are determined to have our kids enjoy the the things we enjoy while they are little. We'll see how it goes, it could be a disaster. But you never know until you try!
2 // Zoo trip
I LOVE the zoo, and I am so excited to take the boys to the zoo and the aquarium this summer, now that it is finally open. It is going to be a blast!
3 // Paint the Living Room
I'm not sure when this will happen but I am so so read to be rid of the dirt colored walls in our living room and make it look new and crisp! I will definitely be sharing the transformation here. Fingers crossed it will be done in July!
4 // Eat Popsicles
I can't wait to eat popsicles, but I am also excited to make some baby friendly popsicles for the boys to enjoy on extra warm days!
5 // Sit by the Fire Pit with my Hunny
Last summer, many evenings we spent out by the fire talking about names for our babies. I am excited to get a fire pit for our anniversary and spend evenings out back with my best friend!
6 // Mountain Picnic
We took lots of mountain picnics last summer since the campgrounds were closed and they were L O V E L Y
7 // Park Trip
By mid to late summer the boys will be big enough to swing at the park and I am really excited to take some walks to the neighborhood park and hang out with them! Maybe eat popsicles too.
8 // Take the boys swimming for the first time
Hotel pools are *finally* opening in NM and I've been craving a swim for a year! The boys have never been swimming but I think they will really enjoy it!
9 // Hang with my BFF
My best friend and her husband are coming to visit over their anniversary and I am SO excited. We try to make it a point to see each other at least once a year (she lives in Missouri). It's going to be *so* nice to hang out with them!
10 // Visit a National Park/Monument
Josh and I absolutely LOVE national parks and what a wonderful organization the NPS is. We are slowly knocking out all the National parks and monuments in the surrounding states and filling our passport book. We are BLESSED to live in the four corners area where there are a ton of National Parks and monuments!
Want to create a summer bucket list for yourself? Save the image below!
If you post on Instagram be sure to tag me so I can see what's on your bucket list this summer!

H A P P Y S U M M E R Y A L L !