Seek Ye First-2021 Word of the Year
In 2020, my word for the year was pray. I learned so much about the power of prayer last year, even though I forgot that it was my word for the year. The Lord wove into my heart and every aspect of my life.
This year I had a harder time finding a word. What did the Lord want to teach me? What did I need to work on? I kept coming back to the same word: SEEK.
I have spent much time seeking. Seeking entertainment and happiness form television, seeking rest in the form of naps, seeking enjoyment from social media, seeking peace in a hot shower. It isn’t wrong to seek any of these things by any means. The problem is the order in which I am seeking.
What am I seeking first? Well I typically open Instagram first thing in the morning. Then I eat breakfast. Then I have coffee. Then I work out. Then I clean. Oh wait, I forgot to read my Bible.

This year my word is seek. I am going to seek the kingdom of God first. I am going to seek Christ FIRST. When I do this, when I put the Lord first, my anxiety is lessened because my eyes are on HIM and not the chaos of the world around me. When I put the Lord first, he meets my needs AND gives me the desires of my heart.
This year I am working on seeking him first. Everything else can come after. I am choosing this word because I need to learn this, not because I already know it. My life has been spiritual dry the last few months, like the Sahara. I think the fact that it’s been a year since I’ve sat in a church service contributes, but it’s also because I have done a terrible job at seeking the Lord in my day to day life.
Lord, help me seek you first this year. Teach me to see you above anything else.