Prompt of the Week: What is Something You've Learned Lately?
About four years ago, I took a trip to Barnes and Noble with a good friend of mind. I found this book titled "300 Writing Prompts" and decided, as an aspiring writer, that it was just the thing I needed to practice my writing skills. continued to sit on my shelf for years. It moved from Arizona, to Missouri, to Arizona, and finally landed in New Mexico. I opened it up about a month ago and was determined to write...until I realized there was no way I was going to write in pen at my kitchen table to a silly prompt! So, instead of using it the way it was intended, I am going to pull a prompt from it to write here. It may be for your entertainment, but it's mostly for my own enjoyment and practice.

Here we go...something I've learned lately.
Gosh, this question seemed so easy to answer a week ago. Now as I'm pushed to put the answer to writing my mind is swimming with options. I feel like life consists of constantly learning, trying to better ourselves everyday. How do I narrow this down to ONE thing? I mean, I'm currently learning yoga, how to count cross stitch, how to let go, how to be more disciplined without the routine of work...
I guess if I'm going to narrow it down, I've learned patience lately. In every aspect of life. Patience it something everyone is constantly learning. Some are better than others in different areas of life. An example: my husband has no patience for waiting in line. Zero. If there is a long line, we will go elsewhere. However I could stand in a long line for quite a while, reading a book on my phone, and be totally fine with it. Another example: my husband has patience for working on a problem until its fixed. Whereas, as soon as I face a struggle when trying to fix something, I'm ready to throw in the towel and say "oh well!"
"How am I specifically learning patience?" you may be asking. Sheesh. Way to get personal.
Just kidding.
I'm learning patience in regards to moving up in life, specifically moving up in house size + quality. My husband and I, when we got married, moved into this ugly, awful, yellow trailer house (I'm cringing typing that). I cried, several times, over this 70's carpeted nightmare. But, it was essentially free the first year and the rent now is unbeatable for the area. I had pictured us living here for ONE year, and moving into something less...hideous...after that. One year has almost turned into two, and buying a house when we planned (this summer) is now out of the question unless God graciously drops a miracle in our laps. So that one year has nearly turned into two, and prospectively into three.
But. Patience. I'm learning patience. Buying a house is a decision that should be taken slowly and with great prayer and thought. Not rushed into. Especially if that purchase also means moving states.
I am learning to be patient with the Lord's timing. Will I live in this creaky, metal, matchbox of a home forever? No. I need to wait. Wait on the Lord to provide the home that has the things we not only need but some of the things we want, too (like a big yard for our doggo). Wait on the Lord, be patient. There are a multitude of other things I'm trying to wait patiently for, like waiting for this coronavirus thing to just be over. I'm currently waiting patiently for dinner to be finished.
Life is waiting.
Patience is such an important characteristic to have but I don't think I'll ever perfect it. If I'm being honest, I'm terrible at it. My husband can tell you of the times I've cried because I'm tired of waiting for a new home. But I'm learning. I'm trying to learn. Thank God for His grace as I, more often than I want to admit, throw childish fits over silly things, like my tiny house carpeted in purple and green. Thank God for actually caring about where I live. Thank God for giving me everything I need, even if it isn't the prettiest.
While I continue to practice patience, I'll continue to live happily in my little home (because the husband I love, the animals I cherish, and the memories I've made are what really make it a home, not the carpet or wood panel walls). While I continue to practice patience, I'll wait on the Lord and pray for a new home.
What have you been learning lately? What are you currently waiting for? Please share with me in the comments! And stay tuned for next week's prompt, "What is one of your greatest blessings?"!