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Pregnancy Month 6: 3 months to go!

Hi friends! I am officially 6 months pregnant and I can hardly believe it. I can hardly believe that I've now spent more of 2020 pregnant than I spent not pregnant! It's crazy how fast the pregnancy has flown by. On April 18th, when I looked at the second line and mentally calculated my estimated due date, December felt like it was years away. Now I feel like it is speeding toward us and we need to get everything ready right now! I'm so grateful we still have 3 months to go, and I'm so grateful we only have 3 months to go. Never did I think I would be this excited to hold twins in my life, but words can't describe the anticipation.

Month 6 was a pretty big month! We found out we were having two little boys and were able to name them! This was a wonderful day, and now we can fully decorate our nursery. I am super excited for this part, and it makes the babies feel so real. Now that we are in the last 3 months and almost *officially* in the third trimester, I feel the need to get all the things done. We still need to hang things on the walls of the nursery, get cribs, have a baby shower, get the last few essentials, stock up on diapers, organize our third bedroom, and so much more (it feels like a ton, especially with dwindling energy). Every weekend from now on will be full of baby prep, either until I can't move around well anymore or until they are here, whichever comes first!

As the end is nearing, and delivering these twins becomes more of a reality, I am trying to prepare myself a little more. I'm going to take a birthing class in the next month, research and prepare for postpartum recovery, and research taking care of newborns until I'm blue in the face. The reality of actually caring for two infants simultaneously excites me and makes me nervous. I have no doubt that my husband and I are capable, but I am not ignorant to the fact that it will be the hardest thing we ever do. I am trying to mentally prepare myself in whatever way possible, but I also know there is nothing to truly prepare you for parenting twins. Impending parenthood holds a multitude of feelings. We appreciate many prayers as we prepare for life as twin parents.

My heart is so ready. My head is getting there. My home is not quite there yet.

Thankfully the boys are both healthy, happy, and moving a bunch. So far everything looks good. An added bonus is that they are both head down right now, which means a vaginal delivery is possible. Here's to praying they stay in long enough, and stay head down! I haven't had any signs of preterm labor or dilation, praise the Lord. Everything is going so well and I do not take any of it for granted. Though my anxiety is still there (and will always be, since my heart is now in two separate bodies), I remind myself that today things are good, and we will deal with what tomorrow brings, well, tomorrow.

(Before I got pregnant, I definitiely thought I'd enjoy taking bump photos way more. But I actually always forget and never feel like it, haha!)

Symptoms Week 21-24

Month 6 did not a hold a multitude of new symptoms, but the symptoms have intensified quite a bit. I said that last month, but they've intensified yet again.

The two most prominent symptoms are heartburn and back pain. The heartburn gets worse every week as these little men continue to grow up into my stomach. Tums are currently my best friend. As for the back pain, that has gotten worse too. I think a large part of it (besides the weight of about 3 pounds of baby in my abdomen, that grows heavier every day) is due to the fact that I can't contract my abs as well when I lift or sit up straight. I ordered a strap that will hopefully help some and allow me to do a little more baby prep around the house.

In July, my nails were growing oh-so-beautifully. Long and strong (which they have never been). Now, they still grow super fast, but they are super brittle and dry. My hair has continued to grow long and shiny, which I have totally been enjoying!

I have begun feel some braxton hicks contractions. They aren't painful and they don't happen often, but they are definitely an interesting sensation. However they have reminded me to pay extra close attention these next few months. One my many anxieties is that something will go wrong and I won't notice until it is too late. I pray that God allows me to have a strong, gut intuition that I need to be seen.

I fortunately have not had too much swelling in my hands or feet yet. Just when I'm on my feet for too long. My wedding ring still fits!

I don't have many other symptoms. Sleep is getting more difficult as my hips get more and more achy, and my bladder gets more and more squished. A fun one is that the boys' kicks have become hard and distinct. I love feeling every movement they make and knowing they are there!

While pregnancy is not all sunshine and rainbows, every challenging moment is worth it. My heart is so full, and grows everyday.

Only 13 more weeks to go, we can't wait! But really, we can. So boys, stay in there!



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