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Pregnancy Month 4: 2nd Trimester

Hello, second trimester!

I have greeted the second trimester with open arms and it has been so. much. better. I didn't really realize how terrible I actually felt during the first trimester until I started feeling better. So many good things have happened in the fourth month. I am finally *loving* pregnancy. People told me they loved pregnancy and I just thought, yeah, ha, okay. You loved being nauseous all day and drop dead exhausted all the time? However this second trimester I am finally enjoying it.

I have energy now. When I wake up in the morning, I actually feel like doing things and I don't need a nap every single day (still often, but not as much as I used too. Sometimes I would take two naps in a day haha). I can eat anything I want now, and I am way hungrier. I can drink C O F F E E again which I think greatly attributes to my new found energy. I can put together a productive thought and follow through with it. That's why I was so late with my month 3 update, I literally couldn't think. I am just so excited now and enjoying all the pregnancy things, even though there are still plenty of negative symptoms. They aren't as bad as the symptoms of the first trimester.

(this was when I was 3.5 months pregnant....I'm very bad at taking these photos regularly).

Symptoms Weeks 12-16

Where to begin?! I actually wrote down all my new symptoms so I have a lot! I'll try to go in order.

First, I have pretty uncomfortable sciatic pain and lower back aches. Often at night I try to roll over and my left butt cheek cramps up so badly. Some nights it is worse than others, sometimes I want to cry. Thankfully I have found some stretches that help ease it some. I also have lower back aches when I do too much. I think this is because of my next symptom!

My belly P O P P E D. I no doubt look pregnant now. Because my belly popped, round ligament pain is regular and I can feel everything stretching all the time. Especially in the evening. I think this affects my back pain because I don't have as much core strength anymore and can't utilize my abdominal muscles like I used too. Sometimes I even have a hard time sitting up. I haven't let anyone help me yet, because I'm determined to get out of my chair/bed myself as long as possible. Hahaha.

The best symptom of all: I feel my babies move now! I had read that some women begin feeling them around 14 weeks, so in my 13th week I was paying close attention. As soon as I turned fourteen weeks I felt my first flutter. It. Was. Awesome. Now I feel them move everyday at some point, and have felt some significant rolls. Not only can I feel them move, I can feel their presence. It is so strange, I just feel a lump in my stomach when I bend over, but it is so cool to be reminded that they are real. Until you feel them move, it just feels like a dream. But once you start feeling them, it really hits you how real it is!

The last fun and interesting symptom is that I started leaking colostrum! When it happened I was so excited I almost cried. It just means that my body is doing what it is supposed to. I am slightly more confident in my ability to breastfeed twins, which is something that worries me. I am determined to give it my best shot while also constantly reminding myself that it's okay to formula feed. Leaking just gave me some encouragement that I can nourish my babies with my own body.

That's month four! I cannot believe our babies will be here in 19-21 weeks, it is insane. There are so many things to get ready, buy, and prepare for, but we are so excited. In my next update, we will find out the genders of our babies! EEK!

Talk soon!



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