Pregnancy Month 1: Finding Out!
Hello friends!
I am sharing monthly updates on my pregnancy. More for my own remembrance than anything else, but long before I became pregnant I loved reading these types of posts. I've been obsessed with pregnancy and motherhood since I was a young teenager, so this is for anyone who is curious what it's actually like being pregnant. I'm a very open and honest person, I don't believe in sugar coating certain things because they make others uncomfortable (like talking about periods, every single woman that has ever lived in the universe has had one!). I will be sharing the real truth about pregnancy, so if it makes you uncomfortable, you don't have to read these posts!
Finding Out
We found out about our precious babe on the morning of Saturday, April 18th. I had been expecting my period on Thursday 4/16. We were trying, so on Thursday morning I decided to take a pregnancy test. I was definitely expecting it to be negative, but it was nice that I could just expect my period to come that day. All day, no period. I wasn't sure if it was because I had gone off birth control and things hadn't regulated yet, so on Friday when I took a second test, I was still expecting a negative, and that is what I got. Thursday and Friday I felt unusually tired (we are staying home, so it wasn't exhaustion from work or being busy), and my stomach felt upset all day. After no period again on Friday, I woke up Saturday morning and said to myself "Okay, I'll just take one more test, and if it's negative, I'll wait until next week to take another one." I felt a little ridiculous, knowing that it was so early to test, but I just kept on taking them.
Saturday morning, I woke up, peed again in a cup, and set a timer for 5 minutes. I went to make the bed, take a prenatal (I started taking them as soon as we decided to throw out birth control). I had heard morning pee was the best, and that it's easier to do something while you wait rather than sit there and stare at the stick. As I made the bed, my heart was a flutter. I wasn't expecting to see a line, but I was hoping like crazy. I kept praying, "God, please let there be a line. If there isn't, help me to not be disappointed."
The timer on my phone went off, and walked into the bathroom. When I picked up the test, there was the faintest of lines, and my heart was racing. I called Josh to the bathroom, to give it a second look (was my mind playing tricks and just showing me what I wanted to see?). He saw the line too. It was positive! I immediately took a second test, what if it was some crazy fluke? They were just the cheap bulk pack of tests on Amazon, after all. The second test was positive, there was a teeny baby in my body!!! Of course, thanks to Corona, our area was on a 57 hour curfew. Which meant we weren't allowed to leave the house unless it was an absolute emergency (or we had to pay $1000 fine if we got pulled over). I wanted to buy a digital test, but had to wait. Sunday morning I took another test, and the line was darker. Monday morning, I took another one while Josh went grocery shopping and picked up a digital test (I immediately stopped going into public places for the good of mine and the baby's health). The line was unmistakably clear. When Josh got home, I took the digital test. It said it would take 2-5 minutes, and it took less than a minute to say pregnant.
It was really real, I was going to have an actual, human baby!

Symptoms this Month
My symptoms this month were, of course, very minimal. I just experienced fatigue and a mildly upset stomach in that last week. My hormones were definitely making me more emotional, but other than that, not much was different than my normal life!
That was my first month! Month 2 has gotten a little more intense symptom wise, which I will be sharing soon!