No. 5 Psalm 119 // Aleph
We have this beautiful plant perched on a dresser in our bedroom. It is called a purple shamrock. It puts out blooms of small lavender-colored flowers, and is very easy to take care of. It even falls asleep at night and closes up its large leaves when the sun goes down. This plant has taught me an important lesson. As the sun moves over our home, from the east window to the west window, so does this plant. It seeks the sun daily, and follows its rise and fall. In the morning, all the stems will be leaning close to the window, searching for the light. In the afternoon it will be leaning away, looking for the light. The plant knows that the light is its source of life, and has made it a priority. It spends its time following the sun, searching all day for it. It does not lean toward the darkness at nightfall, or toward the watering can on Sundays when I water it. It keeps its eyes on the sun.
We need to do the same as believers, keep our eyes on the Son. We need to make the Light our priority. Psalm 119 teaches us how to make that a priority, and why it should be our priority. Let's take a look at the first 8 verses, in the section titled "Aleph," and see what we learn.

1. Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord!
2. Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart,
3. who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways!
4. You have commanded your precepts to be kept diligently.
5. Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes!
6. Then I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all your commandments.
7. I will praise you with an upright heart, when I learn your righteous rules.
8. I will keep your statutes; do not utterly forsake me!
Psalm 119:1-8
The Promise (verses 1-3)
In the first three verses we see a promise of divine favor. A promise we can cling to. David teaches us that if we are to be light-seeking and Son-following, our lives must be lives of integrity. Our lives must be guiltless. We should follow in the footsteps of Christ through living out His law. Not simply believing, but living out through our actions. Obeying God's word is a vital part of seeking Him and walking in the light. We are without excuse, as God's word tells what is right and wrong. I cannot say "but I did not know it was wrong!" because I do. He gave us clear and direct instructions on how to walk in His ways. His desire is for us to seek Him wholeheartedly, with everything we have. When we do these things, follow, obey, and seek Him and His Word, His divine favor falls upon us. His blessings are given to us. That is a promise. For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly. (Psalm 84:11)
The Command (verses 4-6)
After the promise, we see the command. It is not a simple suggestion to follow Him, to seek Him, and to obey His word. It is a command to us as believers. We should take that command to heart. God does not want our eyes and heart to be wandering, He wants us to diligently obey him. God wants us to be unwavering, loyal. If we are going to follow Him, we need to FOLLOW him. I can't obey one day, and the next wander away. We are to follow His word not once, but every day. Faithfulness to the Lord and the laws He has given is key to our well being. When unwavering obedience is my goal and priority, there is nothing to be ashamed or guilty about. Our eyes should be on Him and His word, not the world.
The Declaration (verses 7-8)
David closes this section with a resolution and a declaration. He realizes the ultimate importance of God's Word and decides his life should reflect this through worship and obedience. When we know God's Word and seek Him from our waking to our lying down, we cannot help but praise Him. We must praise the Lord, for all that He is and all that He has done. God's Word is for our good, and it is always right. When God's word is in our hearts, His praise will naturally fall from our lips. In verse 8, David declares to keep God's statutes. He does not say "I will try to keep your law," or "When I can, I will follow your ways." He says, " I WILL." It is definite. Are our priorities set like this? Do we hope we will obey God's word, or do we decide that no matter what, we WILL follow God's Word? I pray that we, most definitely including myself, decide that we WILL seek the Lord with our whole heart and obey God no matter what. He is GOD. He saved our souls from hell, He has blessed us beyond measure. There is nothing else that we should do except for obey Him faithfully and unerringly seek Him from the rising of the sun to its setting.
Ah, this last phrase. "Do not utterly forsake me!" A plea from deep within David's heart. Knowing that he just resolved to keeping the Lord's commands, while also knowing that he is human and full of sin. David knows that he will fail, and so will we. We can wake up in the morning and say "Lord, today I will follow you with my whole heart," but an hour later walk into work and start talking about a coworker behind their back. David recognized that while his deepest desire was to obey God's Word, he needed help. Perhaps this last phrase is a petition for grace after a declaration of obedience. There is no doubt that we will simultaneously desire to keep our eyes fixed on Him and let them wander to the things of this world. If we need anything, we need grace. We need the Lord to not forsake us when we inevitably fail.
My prayer today is that we become that plant. That we move with Jesus and make His Word our priority. I pray that we seek the Lord with our whole hearts, that we walk in His ways, that we remain steadfast and faithful. I pray that our resolution is to obey and praise the One who favors us. That we rise in the morning facing the Son, and fall asleep at night seeking His light. I pray that in the face of failure, we remember God's grace. Even my light seeking plant needs me to give it water. Without water, it cannot seek the sun. Just as without grace, we have no chance of obeying His word.