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My 10 Most Listened to Podcasts!

Hey there hi there ho there!

Welcome back to Coffee with Kaydee, I'm so glad you are here!

I'm a huge podcast fan. I used to listen to podcasts while I worked out, and then when I became a stay at home mom, I started listening to podcasts way more. I prefer them over audiobooks because as I am home alone without adult conversation throughout the day it feels like I'm having conversations. They help me get through the most mundane tasks that come with being a stay at home mom (folding another pile of laundry, cleaning the dishes again, ya know). I thought today it would be fun to share my most listened to podcasts! I listen to a few every single new episode, and some I'll listen to for a while and then take a break. Here they are in no particular order!

My hands down most listened to podcast is the Office Ladies podcast! My husband and I love The Office and I absolutely love hearing all of the behind the scenes stuff on this podcast. I love hearing from their guests because it feels like you get a real look into what it's like to be an actor. However, when they don't have guests, the dynamic between Angela and Jenna is amazing. It feels like we're three BFF's hanging out together, and they remind me of hanging out with my BFF's. If you are a fan of the office you will truly enjoy this podcast!

On a similar kind of vibe, Off the Beat with Brian Baumgartner is another fun podcast that gives you a look into the world of acting and your favorite TV Shows. He did a short term podcast about the Office (he plays Kevin on the Office, if you didn't know) and has since expanded it into a podcast about all kinds of TV shows! It's absolutely so much fun to hear the origin stories of actors from some of our favorite shows.

Last one along these same lines, I promise! This podcast is hosted by Zooey Deschanel, Hannah Simone, and Lamorne Morris, AKA Jess, Cece, and Winnie the Bish from New Girl. They talk about each individual episode similarly to Office Ladies, talk about how the show really cam about, and give a behind the scenes listen to New Girl. It is so much fun!

Y'all. This has to be my second most listened to podcast! Shawn Johnson is an Olympic gold medalist, Andrew East is a former NFL player, and they this podcast is so educational and entertaining. They talk about couples, and the things they go through. They have famous couples, they have therapists, counselors, teachers, and more. They talk about different things married couples go through, they talk about parenting, grief, losing a spouse, singleness, dating, all of it. It's so good and I learn something every episode! I've listened to so many episodes it feels like I'm friends with them, haha.

If you are a woman looking to learn more about Jesus and grow your faith, this podcast is a great place to start. They cover every topic under the sun. This podcast encouraged me so much when I was struggling with Postpartum Depression, and helped me get into God's word in a season of life where I didn't really know how to do that. When I've struggled with something specific, I've been able to find a podcast episode covering that topic and learn how to navigate and pray through it. I promise listening to this podcast will help you draw closer to Jesus.

This podcast is hosted by Sadie Robertson Huff and it's another great faith based podcast. I don't agree 100% with all of Sadie's idea about Christianity, but there is so much good in this podcast that it's worth listening too! She covers hard topics as well as fun topics and it's always encouraging.

Annie Downs is...SO FUN! She has such a big personality and is so incredibly positive and uplifting, I love her! She gets to interview so many fun people and I think that you will feel lighter after listening to this podcast!

I've followed Milena Ciciotti on Youtube since she had her first baby, and I love her. She is so down to earth, sweet, funny, and faithful. Her and her husband host this podcast and it's so fun to listen to. She occasionally does Girl Talk episodes where it's just her and another girl talking about stuff. They talk about marriage, family, and faith. It's another sweet and uplifting podcast!

I listen to this podcast nearly every single day when I clean up breakfast. It's a shorter, daily devotional podcast. They read different devotionals (usually from the Bible App) and talk about it. It's such a good way to start the day and get my head in a good space in the morning. I always leave the kitchen with a lot to think and pray about, and love that there is another easy way to spend time with the Lord throughout my day!

I stumbled upon Michelle Reed on Youtube a few months ago and found out she also has a podcast. Most episodes she hosts alone and I love her. She is so thoughtful with her topics, wise, and another faithful woman on the internet. She is a fellow believer and isn't afraid to share her faith. She has been such an inspiration to me in pursuing new things and I'm so glad I found her podcast! On a side note: her voice is SO calming and I love it.

I hope you take a listen to one of these podcasts and enjoy it! What is your favorite podcast to listen to? Share below in the comments!



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