Monthly Devotional: Focus on the LORD
For the past several months, my mind has felt very cluttered. There have been so many to-do's and issues calling my attention. My eyes+ ears have been bouncing all over the place. I almost feel like I've been in one of those money machines. You know the ones where you step in, the wind starts blowing dollar bills around, and you have to catch as many as you can? That's what I feel like. I'm trying to grasp onto this issue, this responsibility, focus on preparing for parenthood, making sure I take care of my home, keeping in touch with friends and family, work, and so much more.
"Care about coronavirus!"
"Care about racism!"
"Care about riots!"
"Care about human trafficking!"
"Care about all these natural disasters!"
"Care about politics!"
I feel like the "world" is screaming this at me, and I'm trying to listen to it all.
It's honestly overwhelming. 2020 has been a mentally challenging year for all of us. We are bombarded daily with multiple world issues through social media and quick access news. On top of that, we have our individual lives and problems to deal with and take care of. It has stretched me thin, it has hurt my heart, and mentally I feel like I can't handle it all. Where do I look? How do I care about all of these issues at one time? My heart breaks for each one, but how do I help? How do I make change? Especially when my focus is pulled a million different ways.
How do I care about these issues, when I'm also concerned about my family? How do I care about the world when I also have to care about dear friends, hurting from losses? How do I care about riots, when I'm trying to focus and prepare for the biggest change and challenge of my life, parenthood?
I feel like the expectations placed on us through social media are high and heavy and unreachable. Most of us visit some form of social media everyday. For me, this year it has largely not been enjoyable. I've been staying away, more and more. I can't handle all the issues shared there. I feel helpless. I feel anxious and sad at the world we live in.
What's the answer to all of these questions? How DO we handle it all? How do we find peace?
Thankfully we have the Word of God, full of answers.
One verse answers this dilemma for us. One verse can bring us back to what we can do. It is a verse I have been repeating and clinging to when moments of fear, depression, and anxiety overwhelm me.
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
Isaiah 26:3

Peace is found only when we focus on the right things. When we place our focus on the Lord, God's Word, and prayer, perfect peace covers us. When we look to the Lord, and place our eyes only on Him, our trust and faith are strengthened. Our minds should continually be on the Savior, looking to His goodness, mercy, power, control. We should not be letting the things of this world become our main focus.
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
Colossians 3:1-2
Peace comes when we seek the things of heaven, where our Savior sits with and as the God of the universe. Peace comes when we purpose in our hearts to focus on the things of God. Peace comes when we stop looking through the lens of the world, and begin looking through the lens of the Father.
How do we do this? How do you purposefully concentrate on the Lord and the things of heaven?
Read Your Bible Everyday, read your Bible. For a few weeks I was struggling with great anxiety. I committed to wake up 30 minutes earlier to read my Bible. Peace has followed, nearly immediately. The scriptures are full of hope, great promises, and reminders of God's control. Soak your mind in them.
Memorize Scripture
Reading your Bible daily is vital. Memorizing scripture is too. Embedding the words of God into your heart, so that in times of uncertainty they are called to your mind easily, can bring peace in moments of anxiety. I memorize scripture by making it a screen saver on my phone, and by writing it every night in my journal before bed. Whatever method works for you, find one.
Anxiety comes because we feel that we have to bear every burden alone. Prayer allows us to unload those burdens at the feet of Jesus, who has power and strength enough to not only bear them, but change them. Talking to a person helps you focus on that person. To keep your mind steadily on the Father, talk regularly with Him and share your burdens.
Worship the Lord
In my area, I have not been able to attend church and worship together with other believers since March 8th. It has been challenging. However we do not have to only worship at church. As you clean your home, drive to work, shower, cook dinner, play worship music. Remind yourself through song of the goodness of God. When your mind begins to drift down to the hard, uncontrollable things of the world, look up and worship the Father.
Plug into Church
Whether it is online or you are able to now attend in person, attend church. Listen to God's Word being preached. Listen to the prayer requests of others. Set aside time every week to focus on Him.
I wrote this mainly as a reminder for myself. I know that others need this reminder as well. If you are overwhelmed, stop and refocus using the tools above. I promise peace awaits.