Itty Bitty Beedy Coming Soon
I'm over the moon grateful, thankful, and praising God to announce that a precious new life is entering our family! We are going from a family of four (Me, Josh, Maisie (the dog), and Chamomile (the cat)) to a family of five. Yes, my pets ARE my family. We found out this precious news on April 18th and I've been itching to share it with the world.

Motherhood is the only thing I've ever wanted to do. This has made college challenging, not academically, but in that I didn't know what to get a degree in because I didn't want to have a "career," I wanted to be a momma. It's been my dream since I was a little girl (I played with baby dolls all the time). Now that I have finally settled on a degree in early childhood education, my dreams are coming true.
The emotions have been a roller coaster. I go from so excited I might explode, from completely overwhelmed by all the choices and changes to come. I'm sure it's mostly due to hormones, but I know it's also just so much to take in. My life will never be the same as it was on April 17th, no matter the outcome of this pregnancy. It's miraculous how the mind changes once that positive line shows up on the pregnancy test. You go from thinking about everything, fulfilling your own wants and desires, to completely oriented around the little poppy seed growing inside of you. From the moment you know you are pregnant, every decision you make, every thought you have, is centered on that precious miracle. This is why I believe (and always have) that there is no such thing as a "mother-to-be." You are a mother as soon as you know about that babe. I wish the world held this perspective as well. I think it would impact abortion in a greater way if people recognized motherhood not beginning after delivery, but immediately after conception. That was a free thought, you're welcome!
Our estimated due day is December 24th, Christmas Eve. While I pray the baby isn't born on Christmas day (so they can have their very own day), it couldn't be a more perfect due date. My husband proposed to me on Christmas Eve, and my own due date was Christmas Eve! (My mom was induced a week early because she didn't want me to be born on Christmas day, either). We have approximately 34 weeks to prepare, and I have already started making many, many lists.
I am so excited to be a mommy, and yes, I will be a mommy blogger (with my other content as well). It's been my dream to be both, so I will be sharing regular updates on my pregnancy. I would like to say this: if you are struggling with infertility, know that I am constantly thinking and praying for you. My heart hurts for you, and I wish you could be sharing in this joy. I pray you rainbow comes sooner rather than later. I struggled internally with even sharing this news on the blog or on social media, because the last thing I want is to be insensitive to those who are grieving. I know this probably doesn't ease your hurt, but know that there is One who grieves with you, and One who will rejoice with you when the time comes.
If you're interested in following my pregnancy journey, I will be sharing those posts monthly. I know myself and know I won't keep up with weekly posts. Especially because not much has changed on a weekly basis right now. Month 2 will be available soon! (Let's be honest, month one I didn't even know I was pregnant!).
Thank you for reading this and sharing in our joy!