Diary No. 1
Hey there hi there hi there!
Happy Saturday friends!
I decided in 2022 it would be fun to do a a weekly diary. Since I’m not posting much on Instagram, I thought I’d still share some images from the week as something fun to look back on.
One thing I’ve struggled with since going back to Instagram is how much do I post? What do I feel comfortable sharing? It’s strange because I feel comfortable sharing here, even though I’m just as exposed. I just don’t know. I’ll figure it out, I hope? haha. It's a tough balance.

This past week we got hit with COVID. We made it two years so I feel pretty good about that, and honestly glad to have it over with. It is scary because so many people have died from it, but thankfully it was mild for our family and Josh was asymptomatic. It was hard seeing my little boys feel so sick + also feeling sick myself. But we did enjoy the extra snuggles and contact naps! Thankfully everyone feels back to normal now and our quarantine period is over! A blessing in the mess of dealing with sickness was that my husband got an extra week off work. We love any extra time we get with him! The boys have become so affectionate with each other the last couple of months. They will hug and kiss each other and it is so precious. I love that they are best friends!

It being winter + cold, sensory play helps so much! It can be a lot to clean up sometimes but it’s worth it. The boys are finally old enough to really enjoy it too! This one was shaving cream + food coloring. I just gave them whisks and scoops and they had fun! It was REALLY messy, next time I’ll do this one in the bath haha.

I accidentally took this while trying to record a song, haha. But I’ve been soooo enjoying playing piano and I love letting the boys sit on my lap and play with me! This piano was my grandmothers and it was supposed to go to my brother, but since I was in a pretty permanent home and he wasn’t, he let me have it. I’m so thankful to have the gift of music! (Also, maybe this summer we’ll get to painting the hallway. It is bugging me so much. We’ll see, hahaha).

We don’t co sleep, mainly because there isn’t enough room for all of us in the bed, haha. The rule is, though, if it’s 6 am, they can come in bed and snuggle with us. They fell back to sleep one morning and I had to snap this sweet family photo. All the people I love sleeping peacefully?! It can’t get any better than this, honestly.

I had to snap these pictures of my boys loving books! It makes this mama’s heart soooo happy to see them grab a book, flip through pages, and babble read to themselves. I hope they love books forever! (May I never forget how little Oli at 1 year old always stuck his tongue out in concentration and how my Asa loved to be next to people).

Made a delicious chicken noodle soup this week as well! Since we were all sick and it was cold this week, how could we NOT have chicken noodle soup?! When we were first married, cooking and meal planning was intimidating. While it’s still a lot of work, it brings me so much joy to make food for my family.
This week, despite the sickness, was sweet. Extra unexpected family time, getting extra things done around the house, cuddles, it’s been good. It got especially good once I got my energy back and could actually do things again. I hated feeling incapacitated, wanting to get stuff done but my body didn't allow me. yay for a healthy body that can do things!
I hope and pray you had a great week and can reflect on all the good things!
See you next Wednesday with another post!