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Covid-19 Chronicles: Is it over yet?

I would be lying if I said that I was thriving staying home right now. The novelty of the stay at home order is well worn off, and I'm struggling. As of right now, our area is going to continue staying home until June 7th, but I think we all feel it will last much longer. We have been having 57 hour curfews every weekend, last week there was a week long lock down of our town (non-residents were not permitted unless it was an emergency or they had essential worker forms). It's real old.

I wouldn't say I'm struggling with being at home, but I'm personally struggling with having very little to do. When we first started staying home, it was a welcome reprieve and time of rest from our busy, tiring lives. Now I've done all the things, watched all the movies, and finished projects. Classes are over for the semester, and I finished writing my devotion. Why should I get out of bed when there is hardly anything to do? I have stuff I could do, but I have absolutely NO motivation to do any of it. I definitely have the corona blues. I know that it is partially due to pregnancy hormones and being tired from growing a human, which leaves me with little motivation to push myself to be productive. In April, I had set daily goals and it really helped pushed me to do things. I need to create new goals to help motivate me and get me out of this slump.

I'll be honest. I miss shopping, I miss work, I miss the people at work, I miss church. I feel like this summer will last forever (not in a good way), because we can't do anything. Josh and I finally have time and energy to do things we enjoy (aka visit national parks) and we can't. We can't even go camping.

I am kind of reveling in my laziness. I know that in 7 months, I will never be allowed to just be lazy again. Well, okay, more like 3 months because, Lord willing, we will go back to work in August. I will no longer be able to just lay in bed as long as I want in the morning. I won't sleep very much at all. I won't be able to put off laundry. Or sit and watch 7 hours of Riverdale. Or sit and play an extensive board game with my husband. While I am so so so so unbelievably excited to start my mom career, I know I'm going to miss being able to take my time taking a shower and sleeping in. While I feel guilty for being so lazy, I also don't, because the end is in sight.

While I thoroughly enjoy being the lazy, unproductive person I have been, I am struggling mentally. I know it'll be better for me if I create real structure in my day. I am going to make sure I am active and productive in some way. I've just created some bad habits that I can tell are affecting me. While still soaking in the few months I have left to be lazy, I want to help myself by just. doing. something.

How? Ugh. I don't know. Can you tell me? Just kidding. I am going to set goals (it really helps me to post them here for accountability and put them on my phone's lock screen to help remind me).

1. Wake up at 8:00 am, do devotions immediately, and get out of bed no later than 8:45.

One of my bad habits lately has been waking up and staying in bed for way too long on my phone. I've also been failing to be in God's Word everyday (I know, I just wrote a devotional, you'd think I'd be better at that). I think if I adjust my morning, spending time with the Lord first, it will change the tone of my day and help me be productive.

2. Get fully dressed everyday.

I've been staying in my pajamas way too long, and wearing comfortable clothes too much. When I am in lounge wear all I want to do is...lounge. So Sunday through Friday I am wearing real clothes and fixing my hair.

3. Go outside, be active, be creative, clean, write, and read EVERYDAY.

These were my April goals and they were really helpful. If I just step outside for a few minutes, just go for a short walk or do a short yoga video I'll feel better ALL AROUND. If I create something, whether it is crochet, food, planting, etc..., my mood is sure to be lifted. I usually spend 1 day a week cleaning because I typically don't have time to clean during the week, but now I want to create the habit of cleaning throughout the week to just keep my house continually clean. (Obviously dishes, wiping counters, tidying up, is done everyday).

4. Get in bed by 9:30, clean face, and read. NO MORE FALLING ASLEEP ON THE COUCH

Yup, I fall asleep on the couch most nights and I think it is making a good night's sleep hard to get. I also need to be more adamant about washing my face every. night. When I wore make-up and worked all day, I NEVER skipped washing my face. Whoops.

5. Still be lazy!

Saturdays will remain my lazy, do whatever days. I day I won't feel bad for not doing a darn thing, spending all day in my pajamas and playing games or watching Netflix. Woohoo!

Hopefully these goals will help my mental and emotional state a little bit. I will let you know how it went on June 14th! What are you struggling with lately? What are some habits (good or bad) that you've created while staying home?



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