August Gratitude
Right now, the world is full of negativity. Let’s be honest, for good reason too. More often than not I have been stating the negative things that are happening in my world rather than the positive when someone asks me, “How’s it going?” I think we are all in the same boat as life has been challenging. No matter what it is, all of our lives look different right now because of COVID-19. It’s so easy to become fixated on the hardships. It is too easy to become fixated on the problems in the world (BLM, human trafficking, the election) right now and feel overwhelmed and depressed. I didn’t want to admit it, because I’m pregnant and I am OVERJOYED to be a mother. But I’ve experienced mild depression in this season because of all the changes and fears, I’m sure you have too. It’s easy to complain. For the month of September I have committed to writing down one thing I’m grateful for in my journal. Just one. But I want to list the things I am grateful for here every month. Because we all need encouragement to see the good amidst the ugly. This is what I am grateful for in the month of August.

I'm thankful for...
healthy baby boys
I am so so so so so so grateful to know that we are having baby boys, and to know that they are healthy.
being at work
Though helping teach kindergarten virtually is challenging and not at all what feels right, I'm thankful to be back at work. I'm thankful for the normalcy that it gives me, the routine, and being able to see coworkers.
my husband
My husband has been a superstar through my pregnancy. I just am so thankful for him. For the help he offers. For the companionship. He's my best friend.

good sleep
It is harder to come by the further along my pregnancy gets, which makes me grateful when it does come along. I have always loved sleep, and I'm so thankful for good sleep!
cool showers
We opted out of an A/C since moving into our house, and while now it's cool, it was a hot summer. Especially when you are pregnant. In the month of August, I was so grateful for cool showers!
What are you grateful for? It can be big, or small. Write it down, share it. We all need extra joy and positivity! Let's focus on the good things the Lord gives us instead of the bad things the world gives us.