Asa + Oliver: Month 4
Month four is already here! Asa and Oli turned four months old on the 27th. They are growing like little weeds. Their personalities are starting to shine through! This month was particularly fun because smiles and giggles happened every day! Such fun to watch them look at you with their beautiful eyes and break into a handsome smile.
Over Spring break the boys got to meet another set of grandparents, that was fun! It’s interesting to watch them evaluate whether they trust someone or not- they are very unsure at first and then warm up. When they were newborns and they met people they didn’t really know what was going on, now they know when they DON’T know someone. They also met some cousins this month as well!
Our 4 month well check isn’t until April 9th, so we will how big they are then! They have *just* started out growing 0-3 months clothes and are moving into 3-6 months clothes. They are still small for their age, but they are healthy and thriving.
-laughed for the first time
-is super smiley
-coos a LOT
-sits up with assistance
-found his hands and eats them constantly
-has started teething
-rolls from tummy to back on the regular
-grasps toys and tries to put them in his mouth!
-still loves tummy time!
-laughed for the first time
-coos and gurgles (Oli coos, Asa gurgles more)
-drools ALL over the place
-constantly has his hands in his mouth
-sits up with assistance (actually hates reclining and laying down most of the time).
-rolls from tummy to back like it’s no big deal
-grasps toys and tries to put them in his mouth
-LOVES jumping around in his jumper!
-loves when mommy sings for him
Oh man. Thank you Jesus for letting me be their mama. I can’t believe the time is going so quickly, I’m trying to relish and remember every moment. ❤️