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Asa + Oliver - 2 Months

My oh my. You know in your brain that the time will speed by but your heart doesn’t understand how bittersweet that is. In the nights of exhaustion all I wish for us the boys to be old enough to sleep through the night. All the while I sit there nursing them in the dark, tears in my eyes knowing those moments won’t last forever and I don’t want to let them go. Once we lay them down to bed I pull out my phone and watch videos of them because I already miss them. motherhood is a tricky game.

month 2 was significantly better in more ways than one. We finally were home as a family. We could settle in and breathe. The boys grew exponentially. Breastfeeding began to feel easier. We started to get into a bit of a rhythm, and we fell more in love with these two little boys.

I won’t lie, the month was a blur. With lack of sleep and constant business it is truly challenging to remember what all happened. I’m so thankful for a phone to at least capture moments if I don’t remember every little milestone.


-experienced his first New Years

-learned how to breastfeed without assistance

-got off of oxygen 🙌🏻 -learned to love baths

-loves sleep! -started holding his head up

-started sleeping in his crib all night and most naps


-experience his first New Years! -continued breastfeeding like a champ despite tongue tie

-finally enjoys baths

-fights sleep 🤨

-started holding his head up

-started sleeping in his crib all night and most naps

Asa and Oliver:

thank you so much for being my baby boys. Everyday with you I love you more and more. I’m so thankful I got to watch you grow the last two months and I cannot wait to watch you grow for the rest of your life! 🥰


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