Asa + Oli Month 9
And just like that another month has gone by with my little boys. The "time flying" aspect of motherhood is so heartbreaking, but it brings me so much joy to watch my babies grow and learn and explore the world around them. It's truly such an amazing gift!
The boys little personalities are really starting to shine through. They are truly their own little people who are starting to understand the world. I can tell that they both want to communicate so badly! They laugh and giggle and play all day with each other. They LOVE story time and are completely fascinated with books! They are so fast at crawling and truly keep me on my toes. Busy is an understatement!
I've learned in the past 9 months that parenting never actually gets easier, the hard stuff just changes. In the beginning, breastfeeding was SO challenging, time consuming, and hard. Now breastfeeding is a breeze. However, the new daily challenge is diaper changing. Oh man! It should definitely be an Olympic sport, changing twins on the floor. Mr. Oli immediately puts his hands down into his diaper when it's undone, so it's a race to get poop wiped before it's all over his hands. Asa, no matter where he is, always comes climbing on top of me while I change Oli's diaper. Asa is currently in the twisting away from mom stage when it comes to diaper changes, so pinning him down to get a diaper on while simultaneously keeping Oliver from grabbing his brothers face, the wipes, the dirty diaper, or his brother's private parts is a workout!

(we officially don't lay down for photos anymore, and we must be bribed with cheerios to sit still!)
Other than the challenge of diaper changing and the continued lack of sleep, I feel like this stage has been the easiest so far. We've baby proofed the living room and hallway so the boys are free to roam all over the place. They entertain each other and themselves so well right now, and for the first time since they were born I finally feel like I'm a little bit on top of housework. I can get some chores done while they are awake, like laundry and a quick 15 minute clean up after meals. It's so nice and I'm enjoying it while the boys still take two naps!
Alright, let's see what these rowdy boys have been up to this past month (if I can remember....#sleepdeprived)

-Started letting go and standing independently for up to 15 seconds
-loves reading
-loves being outside
-loves sitting with Mama and playing piano
-loves rough housing with Dad
-is ALWAYS doing something!
-loves mama's milk
-walks with the walker
-makes brother laugh!

-Starting crawling
-loves reading
-loves being outside
-loves playing piano with mama
-loves climbing on Dad
-loves snuggling
-walks with the walker
-loves mama's milk
-makes brother laugh!
Baby boys, you're growing so fast!
I can't believe we only have 3 more monthly updates. I can't believe you're almost 1 year old! Being your mama for the last 9 months has been my greatest joy! I can't wait to see what you do in this next month!