Asa + Oli: Month 8
EIGHT MONTHS OLD!? HOW? It blows my mind how incredibly fast this first year is going. I've already started planning their birthday party. It's been 8 months of holding, kissing, and loving them. Yet every time I look at a photo of myself with the boys, I don't believe it. How am I their mother? How did I get to have not one, but two baby boys? Sometimes I don't recognize myself as a mom. But it's a dream come true, and it feels so natural to me to have these little boys and be their mama. While their nearly instantaneous growth saddens me because I want to hold onto every single moment as tightly as possible, I'm so thankful that this isn't it. I'm so grateful that there is MORE. That I get to grow with them, and watch them learn to walk and talk. Teach them to hold a crayon, watch them play in the dirt and learn how to ride a bike and send them off to their first day of school with big tears in my eyes. 8 months in, and still a life time of love to go.
Every time I sit down to write these (which I am going to print and put into a book here soon, as their baby book), my mind goes blank and I'm like wait, what happened this month?! I have to go back and read the last update so I don't accidentally confuse the timeline of events. The boys are still not sleeping through the night. Though I've come to peace about our sleeping situation, my memory is hazy because I'm still tired. Maybe I'm at peace with their sleep because I've been informed you don't actually get less tired? HA.
Alright, so what happened this month? Well, we decided to try to sleep train the boys. It was a F L O P. I don't want to talk too much about that, mostly out of insecurity (it's hard to not feel like you are doing something wrong, especially when you hear of friends' babies sleeping through the night by now. I know I'm doing everything right for my kids and my family, so I just have to keep reminding myself of that). The boys also met their Grandma Tina for the first time and that was so fun! They loved her and it was so nice that they got to spend time with her (she lives about 8-9 hours away in Colorado). They also met my best friend and her husband this month, which filled my heart with joy!

This month it got impossible to take a photo of the boys laying down.... they kept rolling, crawling, and sitting up. It's a challenge to get these photos no doubt. Hopefully the next one will be high quality!
Let's talk about these itty bitty Beedy boys! (BTW, Oliver always goes first because he is two hours and twenty minutes older, lol!)

-began getting himself into sitting position
-started crawling
-started pulling himself up on everything
-visited his first National Monument
-loves giving raspberries
-is full of joy and giggles
-never stops moving!
-avocado + mandarin oranges are his favorite food

-loves to roll now
-started getting on his hands and knees and rocking
-started arming crawling
-visited his first National Monument
-loves giving raspberries
-is a major snuggle bug
-avocado + mandarin oranges are his favorite food
Dear baby boys,
You're growing too too fast. I thank God everyday I get to be your mama. I love you more than you know. Happy 8 Months.