Asa + Oli: Month 12
On November 27, 2021, Asa and Oliver turned 12 months old! Wow! This year was one of the absolute greatest and hardest years of our lives, and we are so incredibly thankful for our boys. I'm so thankful to have watched them grow, learn, and develop into who they are today. It's my life's greatest joy watching them learn every day! These boys' personalities are in full bloom and they are so different. So much has happened this year and it went by too quickly. I cannot believe this is my last monthly update! I am so thankful I have been faithful to these posts. My goal is to print them out and put them in a scrapbook for the boys! However I am glad I don't have to take posed month pictures anymore because it is CHALLENGING!
There have been lots of tears, lots and lots of laughter, and SO MUCH love in the last year. Not only have Asa and Oliver grown and changed into the little boys they are right now, Josh and I are not the same people, parents, or spouses we were one year ago. If anything is going to grow and change you it is parenthood. There is still so much learning to do on all of our parts, but together as a family we will learn and love more over the next year.

First things first: what have these little boys learned this past month?
-is a pro walker + climber
-is learning more syllables and is so close to saying his first word
-loves looking at books
-fruit is his favorite food
-STILL absolutely no teeth yet
-is very exuberant, silly, and goofy, currently extroverted!
-is super active (I mean he NEVER stops moving)
-loves giving mom and dad kisses
-loves playing with brother
-has a ton of determination and no fear

-took his first independent steps right after his birthday
-is learning more syllables and is so close to saying his first word
-loves looking at books
-there is no food he doesn't love
-STILL absolutely no teeth yet
-is very goofy, sweet, and quiet, currently more introverted
-loves to sit and play quietly but also loves climbing every thing
-loves giving mom and dad kisses
-loves playing with brother
-has a very gentle and thoughtful spirit

SWEET BOYS! There are so so so many things I could say about this past year, but just know that your dad and I love you more than anything in this life. It has been our joy and pleasure to be your parents for the past 12 months. We are so excited to watch everything you learn and experience in the next year. Try not to grow too fast okay? We are ready for all the challenges and memories to come. I pray that we raise you well in the next year and give you all the things you NEED. Remember you are wonderfully made, and you are wholly loved.
Here are some photos from their first birthday party!