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Asa + Oli: Month 11

Oh boy, I am full of emotions this time around. I cannot believe that after this we only have one monthly update left. I cannot believe that in one month, my little boys will be 1 year old. It's crazy to me how fast the time has gone, and how far away the newborn days seems. All of us, Josh, Me, Asa, and Oliver, were different people 11 months ago. I cannot imagine the last 11 months without our boys, and every day I am so beyond thankful that I get to love them and nurture them. I don't even remember the person I was 1 year ago, but that's a different blog post.

Man, eleven whole months of Asa and Oliver! They truly have been absolutely joy filled months and the boys have grown so much. They both had rough starts to life and I am so thankful that they are thriving and reaching every milestone! Not only have the boys been HERE for eleven months, but we have thankfully been able to breastfeed for eleven months! What a blessing. We are only one month away from my goal, and I never imagined we would have been able to make it this far!

The past month has been super challenging. The boys sleep went super down hill and I was literally falling apart. The nursing to back to sleep wasn't working any more and it got to where the boys wouldn't even let us put them back into bed without screaming. It was ROUGH. Thankfully, after applying some advice from my cousin, we have almost completely fixed sleep! Oliver typically wakes up once at nice to nurse (and we are slowly working on getting that stretched out so he is sleeping through the night by one year). Asa typically sleeps until about 5 am, nurses, and goes back to sleep for about an hour and a half. Often he will sleep all night! It won't be long until they are *officially* sleeping through the night and it feels so good to actually get sleep for the first time in eleven months. I forgot what it was like to sleep well and not feel completely drained every single day.

Let's find out a few fun facts about Asa and Oliver!


-is officially a walker now

-is super goofy!

-loves to be chased

-loves any and all fruit

-loves dancing


-learned to clap

-has taken a few independent steps

-loves all food still, but especially meat!

-loves cuddling with mom and dad

-favorite "word" is "ooh ooh ooh"

Baby boys! You almost aren't babies anymore, but are quickly becoming toddlers. Thanks for another amazing month of YOU, Dad and I LOVE watching you grow into who you are!



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