Asa + Oli: Month 10
TEN MONTHS OLD! WOOHOO! 10 months old seems so so big somehow. I don't know if it's the double digits or the fact that I've watched Asa and Oliver go from these little, helpless babies to these rambunctious, silly, funny, sweet almost-toddlers, but they seem so big. Some moments I look at them and I feel like I can hear them talking to me as little boys and I get glimpses of them pushing little cars around the living room as toddlers, and some moments I look at them and I still my little babies that can't even roll over.
I cannot believe I'm planning their birthday party already, that in just two short months we will be gathered around our boys with family and friends celebrating one year of life, one year of parenthood. It's just gone by so incredibly fast. When I look back at photos I am almost overcome with emotion, wishing for just a moment I could go back and smell their newborn heads once more. This phase is so full of joy right now, with so many new skills and so much personality. I know I'll look back on this time and wish I could go back for a moment. I wish I could hold onto every second and never forget any part of this time. Motherhood is so emotional, you guys! I wasn't prepared for how emotional it is. I'm so excited for the present and the future!
10 months in...
We are still breastfeeding (thank you Lord!) with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. The moments I sit and feed Asa and Oliver are some of the sweetest times, I'm so thankful for that special bond I have with each of them. When they look up at me when they are done and just smile so big! Then off they go crawling and climbing and playing. We are pretty much done tandem nursing except on the rare occasion. They just get aggravated with each other and it's not as comfortable anymore for them. The one on one time with each of them is cherished!
On a less joyful note...we are 10 months old and still waking up 2-3-4-sometimes 5 times a night, each. Some days it doesn't bother me at all. 10 months of not sleeping more than 3 hours straight and I'm fairly used to it. Some days I feel like falling apart in despair and wondering if they will EVER sleep more than 3-4 hours at a time. It's not so bad sometimes, but I'll admit I'm discouraged lately. Just when I think we are making progress and they are going to start sleeping better soon, something happens and we are back to waking up multiple times a night. It's by far the most challenging part for me right now. My goal is that they only wake up once by the time they turn one and I can stop night time feeds after that. Whatever does happen, I am never going to tell any new mama that babies start sleeping better after six months/they start solids. The more I read and the more people I talk to, it is more common for babies to not really sleep good until a year or more!

What have my little boys learned this past month?

-learned to clap
-learned the sounds: dada, mama, baba, papa
-took a few independent steps!
-loves any fruit, particularly oranges
-loves climbing/moving
-laughs/babbles to brother
-loves tickles

-loves drumming
-learned the sounds: mama, dada, baba, papa
-started walking all along the furniture
-loves ANY food
-loves soft/cozy things
-loves dancing
-laughs/babbles to brother
Baby boys thank you for 10 amazing months! I am beyond thankful for you and the laughter, joy, and peace you bring to my life! I can't believe you are growing so fast!