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A Year of Gratitude

hey there hi there ho there!

Happy Thanksgiving my friends.

I love this season for so many reasons, for the fact that it means Christmas is near, the good food and family time, but also because it reminds me how important a heart of gratitude is.

This year was a big year for me with a lot of hard but so many blessings. It’s so important to look back and remember all of the good, especially after a hard time. It can be hard to remember the blessings if the trauma is fresh in your heart. The Lord is good no matter the season or situation. Here are the 12 Things I am most thankful for in 2021.

1 // Our Home

I am so thankful for our home. A place for our children to run and play, a kitchen to cook hot meals and host a few guests. Room for an upright piano, room to grow. I am so thankful for this home I get to make. It truly is our safe place and comfort.

2 // My Husband

My sweet husband has dealt with so much in the past year. Not only did his life completely change in every aspect when he became a father, but he also had to deal with me dealing with that life change poorly. He supported me patiently, gently, and kindly through postpartum depression and anxiety. I am so thankful for his gentle spirit and abundant love for me and our children. I cannot even begin to express how thankful I am for him.

3 // Oliver Skye

Oh I am so thankful for my sweet boy! He is a joy to love and be around, he is sunshine in the form of a little boy. He is oh so fierce and independent and determined and I know he will do such great things. I'm thankful I get to be his mama.

4 // Asa Scott

My second (technically, though only by 2.5 hours) sweet heart. Hos spirit is so incredibly gentle and I can tell already he has a compassionate soul. If you've met Asa you've met love! I have no doubt he will touch so many lives with his kind heart. I'm thankful I get to be his mama.

5 // Healing

This year has been a year of dealing with trauma and grief, in away. My postpartum experience was traumatic and dealing with post partum depression was no easy feat. I grieved the 19 days my baby was in the NICU for months and even still have waves of grief. However the Lord has given me so much healing and has given me his unspeakable peace. After months of having panic attacks before having to leave the house or absolutely losing control of my emotions he has given me healing. I am full of joy and peace at home with my family and I am so thankful.

6 // God’s Provision

Though my faith is often weak and I try to take matters into my own hands, God continues to provide. Every day there is food on my table, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, has in my tank, and a family I love dearly. Though somethings seem impossible and the calling of a stay at home mom does not come without great sacrifice, I can rest knowing God is taking care of us and for that I am thankful.

7 // The Ability to Be Creative

I am so thankful I can be creative. I can write, make up activities for my children, create baked goods. It feels so nice to write out something I am proud of, take a pretty picture, or make a delicious cake I am thankful for the gift of creativity!

8 // Extended Family

I am thankful for our extended family! We live fairly close to almost all of our extended family and I am thankful for the chances we have to visit with everyone. I am thankful my boys get to grow up near grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins!

9 // Coffee

Yes, I am thankful for coffee. When I started my gratitude list in November coffee was on it almost every day. I enjoy it and I am NOT ashamed to be thankful for it! It’s a joy in my day!

10 // God’s Word

In September I began studying for a writing project I will hopefully be sharing in February. Diving into God’s word every day is such a joy. I am thankful to have his words at my finger tips, I am thankful to be able to soak in His truth when I feel weak. I am thankful to bask in His love when I feel lonely. I am so thankful for God’s Word!

11 // The Little Things

Seeing people smile, the feel of my boys’ arms around my neck, jokes with my husband, biting into a gooey cookie, glowing Christmas lights, cotton candy sunrises, walks in warm sunshine, kindness. I am thankful for all of these little things and MORE.

12 // The Hope Of Salvation

As we approach the Christmas season I am trying to immerse myself in the truth of the season, which is Christ coming to give us salvation. I am so thankful for the hope I have that this world is not IT, that my failures are not counted against me, and that one day I will live in eternity with Christ. How thankful I am for that!

What are you thankful for this year? I encourage you to truly think about it and write it down. It will help your perspective amidst the stress of the holidays so much!



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