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A Letter to My Twins

Dear little ones,

At this moment you are nestled safely inside my body, probably sleeping soundly since I am not feeling your little kicks and punches. Right now you depend completely on my body, to give you oxygen, blood, vitamins, minerals, and everything else you need to continue growing and forming. You've been in there for 19 weeks and 3 days. Every morning I wake up thankful that you are still in there with me. Your little arms and legs are growing still, your hearts are beating quickly and you even have finger prints. I've dreamed of this day since I was a little girl. I always dreamed of carrying a baby inside my body, feeling them grow, and mothering them once they make their appearance. I never dreamed that I would grow two babies at once, but I am so blessed that I get to do that. You two little ones are a dream come true, and actual prayer answered. My heart aches for the day that I get to see your twenty little fingers and your twenty little toes. I long for the moment when my lips touch your sweet, soft heads and I breath in your beautiful baby smell. My brain knows that that day will be here before I know it, but my heart wishes it was here already.

I feel so blessed that I get to be your mother. That I get to feel you grow inside my body as Jesus forms your most inward parts. I am so blessed that I get to know the precious personalities you will have, and know what makes you laugh and what your favorite color is. I am so blessed that I get to teach you how to love Jesus, that I get to teach you your letters, how to write your names, how to pick out your clothes, help you with your homework. That I get to watch you make friends, comfort when you lose friends, witness you excel in whatever subjects in school, watch you learn and instrument or a sport or both. I am so blessed to be your mama, and I don't even know you yet.

Because you won't have seen or known, and someday when you're both teenagers who hate your parents, I'll tell you here. You have the best father. I am so beyond blessed to have been given a husband as great as your dad. He is so patient, gentle, smart, kind, resourceful, creative, loving, compassionate, hard working and so much more. I pray that you are both like him in every way. I pray you have his ability and desire to be kind to all people. I pray that you listen and love just like him. I pray that you get his brains, and ability to solve pretty much any problem. I pray that you learn to work hard until the job is done, from him. I am so excited to watch him teach you all sorts of things. I pray most of all that you one day realize how lucky you are to have been raised by him. I can't wait until he gets to feel you move, and hold you both at the same time. I can't wait until he looks into your little eyes and explodes with love.

Oh my sweet little babies. I pray for you every day, all the time. I thank God that you are here with me. I pray that you stay put until the day after Thanksgiving (please bake a little longer than that). I pray that you are healthy and strong and safe. I pray that I get to hold you and love you and watch you grow from the outside. Keep growing. Your dad and I are waiting patiently for you, doing all that we can to prepare for your arrival.

We love you forever and always.



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