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5 Things that bring me joy (That aren't my family...)

hey there hi there ho there!

happy monday! What better way to start the week than reflecting upon some of the things that bring us J O Y? It's so so so incredibly easy for me (and probably you too) to dwell on the unhappy, the things that aren't going my way, the hard stuff, the bad moments. Instead of dwelling on those negative things, I want to start this week by celebrating and being intentional about seeing the joyful things in life.

Philippians 4:4 says

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.

We as Christians are called to R E J O I C E. Rejoice in the Lord, His goodness, and in the good things that He has given to us. He has given us ALL things, so if you feel like rejoicing in that bowl of ice cream, then girl, rejoice in it. Here are five things that bring me joy lately that aren't my family. My family always always always brings me joy, so that's just a given.

1 // Cookies-n-Cream Ice Cream

My favorite brand of ice cream is Tillamook, YUM. This past week I've enjoyed a bowl of cookies-n-cream in the evenings before bed and indeed it does bring me joy. I also love the chocolate peanut butter, and the mocha java chip! So yummy.

2 // Organizing

I don't have a lot of time for organizing, I barely have time to clean the floors and bathrooms. I also feel extremely overwhelmed at the chaos and have a hard time breaking through and starting organizing projects (especially since I know my little ones will need me at any moment). I'm working on just doing what I can when I can, because progress is better than perfection. When I do get to organize, I feel so much JOY. I enjoy getting rid of unused items, junk, and giving a place to items without a place. If you walked into my home you'd be like "yeah, okay this girl doesn't *actually* get joy out of organizing..." but I truly do get joy from organizing when I can! Last week I organized my pantry and it felt SO GOOD.

3 // Thunderstorms

In North West New Mexico we have what's called monsoon season in July + August, aka rainy season. The clouds take all day to roll in, and in the evening the wind blows, the thunder rolls, and the rain falls (hopefully, the past few years have lacked in the rain department). When I hear the rumbling thunder joy instantly fills me! Growing up in the high desert rain is rare and welcomed.

4 // Music + My Piano

I realized recently how much I love music. I haven't listened to it as much recently, and I when I do I feel genuinely moved by any and all music. I recently got a piano in my home, and I didn't know how much I missed playing whenever I wanted until I could do it again. It brings me immense joy to be able to play piano and make music. It makes me feel like *me* again since becoming a mom.

5 // Walks in the Fresh Air

Since I had my boys last November, I've been walking more than ever. It's a simple and easy way to get out of the house, and the boys enjoy it so much. The walks we take first thing in the morning in the crisp, quiet air, birds chirping, are my favorite. Soaking in the sunshine helps clear my mind. The afternoon walks we take as an entire family are also delicious, talking to my husband and watching my boys observe the neighborhood. It's something I am savoring while the weather is warm enough (as much as I love Fall, the cold weather will change our walks!).

What brings you joy lately? I encourage you to write it down. It will help you shift your perspective, and help you savor the good things while they are here.



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