No. 1 - Word of the Year
Good morning friends, and happy Saturday!
Welcome to week one of my weekly blog/diary. Some days will be blog style, like this, and others will be a diary. One down, 51 to go!
So you know all those goals I set for the month of January? Well, I haven't had the best start in regards to reaching them. Especially the 16 workouts goal and the planner goal. See, I only got one workout in this week before I came down with terrible strep throat. While it is mainly focused in my throat, I have been in a lot of pain and have had fevers on and off since Wednesday. I haven't been productive the past two days because I've just been trying to get out of pain. I could be super duper bummed and upset with myself, but illness is not in my control and there are still many days left in January. Thank goodness the month is not over yet! Let's get down to the main point of this post: my word + verse for the year.
Last year I chose the word "enjoy" and honestly, I completely forgot that it was my word for the year! I chose it hoping it would encourage me to be more content in my life and enjoy where I am at (which I did some), but soon after I chose that word, I found John 1:16: "For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace."
"Grace" quickly got stuck in my heart and without realizing it, I made it my word for the year. I began repeating "grace upon grace" to myself when I felt guilty for my sin, or frustrated with the sins and flaws of others. It was truly helpful to me to remember that Jesus is full of grace, and I can be too.
This year I have chosen a word that I believe is the right word. I have felt true conviction about it in my heart, and have been realizing that it is the only word to get my through the many unknowns 2020 holds.

It is a command for me to pray. It is the only way that I can communicate to Jesus. He speaks to me through His word, and I to Him, through prayer. As I grow older, my dreams grow bigger and scarier, and the only way I can handle this earthly life is through prayer. It is something I've always struggled with. I LOVE reading my bible and doing Bible studies. For some reason, prayer has been a challenge for me. As I get older, I am learning that it is so much more important than I ever thought. It makes the day so much better, more cheerful. Prayer makes me more patient and all around a better person.
This year I am committing to pray. To pray when I remember. To pray when I am struggling. To make time to talk to the Savior instead of pulling out my phone. When I tell someone I am praying for them, I stop and do it right there.
The beauty of prayer is that it doesn't have to be an isolated time in your day. It can be done while washing dishes, driving to work, taking a shower, cleaning, literally whenever. It doesn't have to always be on your face on your bedroom floor in tears, it just has to be a conversation with the Lord. A time when you are lifting others up in prayer and telling Jesus what is weighing down your heart. It can be as simple as whispering "thank you Jesus" when you eat your dinner, or as complex as laying your deepest, heart-wrenching desire at his feet while you sob because you can't find the words to say.
In 2020, I want to pray. I want to make it a habit to go to Jesus before any one else, and instead of distracting my mind with worldly things, feeling it with thanksgiving to the one who gave me life.
What is your word this year, if you choose one?