
December. The month in which I feel the coldest on the outside (constantly huddled under my electric blanket and adorned in my husband’s old sweatshirt) but the warmest on the inside. Sparkling decorations everywhere, my favorite Christmas movies, and sweet treats. It truly is my favorite season. The anticipation of Christmas Day makes everyday sweet. Though I have no children to watch as they open the gifts I picked out just for them, I love the traditions my family still holds to and the new ones I’m creating with my own little family. My birthday is coming up, too, which is the icing on the Christmas cake. Them last time I wrote here was October, and I didn’t mean to stop. I spent all of November writing posts and just feeling uninspired to share them, and suddenly it was December. Truly I have been so busy and my creativity seems to have ebbed. Sometimes I feel like I can barely keep up with simple tasks much less take pretty pictures and write fun things. The piles of laundry on the unmade bed, a sink full of dishes, and the unwrapped gift on the floor are screaming at me. My heart even aches to think that this time one year ago I was writing so many posts and had so many ideas. I still have some ideas, but my evenings fly by and my energy does too. By the time I sit down to write something, I get in the sourest mood and think “what’s the point?” I shut my iPad and walk away to get ready for the next day. The point is that I used to enjoy this space so much and for some reason the joy faded. I know why, and I’m SURE I’ve shared why. I want to post, I do! And I HATE that the only posts I’ve written lately are about why I haven’t posted much. I won’t get into that YET AGAIN. Instead I’ll share something meaningful. In this season, 90% of blog posts are gift guides and giveaways, continuing the tradition of materialism at Christmas. If I’ve learned anything during this time of writer's block, it’s that I can’t write basic posts about my favorite things and pretty, expensive decor. I was meant to write about something more. I was meant to write about Jesus. Oh my sweet Jesus. Who right at this moment feels the heaviness of my heart. He knows that I feel burdened and overwhelmed. He feels every emotion I am feeling. God blessed me with the gift of being extremely emotional (though most of the time I see it as a curse, but I’m choosing to see it as a gift more and more). I often feel abnormal with how much I can feel at one time. I rarely feel anything slightly, either. Often I am overwhelmed with a rush of a particular emotion that I can’t help but let it affect my life. It feels lonely at times because many don’t understand it. But He does. He gave this immense emotion to me and He feels it with me. The holidays are a sweet time, but as I believe we all do, I feel that they can be a bit overwhelming. I am just plain old tired. We want it to be a magical time, and fill our calendars so full that we forget (or forget to remember, as Kevin McCallister says) that it’s about JESUS. He did not give us the Spirit of busy-ness and constant activity. I believe he gave us this season to urge us to rest in Him and meditate on the great significance of this anniversary. The anniversary of when the Savior made His entrance. The anniversary of salvation being brought to man, so that God’s Spirit could live in us. When Isaiah prophesied of this great day, he wrote: “And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord;” Isaiah 11:1-2 Jesus, when He was fulfilling these promised said: “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” Matthew 11:29 The Promised One was going to have the Spirit of God resting on Him. He wasn’t going to be running to and fro like a chicken with its head cut off. He was going to be wise, understanding, mighty, knowledgeable. Jesus was meek, gentle, and restful. His intention for us is not to fill this season or this life with every possible activity and tradition under the sun. He does not want us to bake for every single event, see every Christmas lights display, and buy every perfect gift. Jesus wants us to learn from Him. He wants us to rest in Him, be peaceful, and learn His wisdom. This season, as you try to make it special for everyone in your life, remember to rest. Start the tradition of learning from Jesus and letting Him share your burden. Remember perfection is unnecessary in order to celebrate the greatest Gift of all. I will too. Don’t spend this month being tired and engulfed in a major to-do list. That’s not what this season should be. It should be joyful, and restful. Find that rest in Him.