Looking on the Bright Side
After a a cold and dreary February, I am greeting March and it's hopeful warmth with open arms. The other day I thought to myself "I love Spring and the warmth it brings..." and I realized that I say that I love the next season every season. I think I just like the change of pace, the newness that each season brings. There are negatives about Spring...the constant howling wind, the unbelievable allergies, the unsure feeling that winter is actually over....but for the most part, I am excited for a bit more sunshine and a few less layers. While our March hasn't showed us too much warmth yet, the temperature today is supposed to be 60 degrees! I am very excited about a touch of Spring.
February was, well, not my month. I definitely didn't look for the bright side and wallowed in the negatives. It wasn't fun, and I was tired of feeling sorry for myself by February 28th. That is why today, I am looking for the bright side. I typically review my monthly goals at the start of the new month here on Coffee with Kaydee, but that won't take long (I didn't reach a single one). Instead of dwelling on all the bad, all the failures, I am choosing today to look on the bright side. It is definitely warmer over there, and warm is where I want to be.
March has already been a refreshing second chance at better days. It's only six days in and I am already filled with anticipation! I don't know a soul who doesn't love a fresh start, and I think that is what Jesus is about. Every day we get to start over with Him. He forgets all the ways we screwed up yesterday and let's us start with a clean slate. How encouraging it is that the Judge of our lives forgets our wrongs from the day before? He doesn't count our history against us. When we come before Him in the dawn of the day, He doesn't say to us
"Oh, but yesterday you spoke unkindly to that person."
Instead He says to us,
"Good morning, thank you for speaking with me today. Remember I'm with you always, and here is a fountain of grace for you day."

So here is to a new beginning, a new month, and a fresh start.
Here are a few things my heart is ready for this month, the bright side I'm walking towards.
ONE // Spring Break
Spring break begins for us this coming week, and I am PUMPED. Firstly, my husband's schedule is the same as my own (we are on two different school district schedules for work) this year, so our time off will be spent together, unlike last year. Secondly, I get to make a trip to Missouri to visit my very best friend! We are planning a day in St. Louis to do fun things. I love going to a new city and seeing what it has to offer. It will be so good to spend time with good friends, away from home.
TWO // Half Way Through The Semester
Along with number one, March means that we are half way through with the semester. While that means that before long I will be leaving the sweet girls I nanny, it also means that summer will be here in a short time. Camping, vacations, hikes, late warm nights, all coming so soon! In the summer I will begin searching for a new job, but as of today I trust that God will provide the perfect one for me. It makes me excited to be starting a new experience!
THREE // The Prospect of Warmer Weather
I do enjoy the cold of winter, but I am indeed over it. Mostly because I am done with stressing about driving our road in the mud/ice. I am ready for more sunshine and less snow! In the region I live in, March in no way guarantees warm weather (we can get snow into May), but usually there is a bit more sunshine. A bit more sunshine means that we get to sit on the back porch and play more often, and if any skin needs some sunshine, it's this gal's skin.

If you are in a season of dreariness and are feeling downhearted, remember that there is always a bright side when we look to Jesus (God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5).
Whatever struggles face you today, remember that they won't last forever. This day, this week, this month, will eventually end. When it does, look for the bright side. It's warm and refreshing over here.