Daily || Three

While I'm not yet privileged to experience motherhood (though it is my greatest, deepest longing), I'm so thankful I get to experience the little things that come with these little humans. They aren't my little humans, but I love them so much.
It's such a joy to watch them every day, to hear their little voice, to feel their little hands as they play with my hair or hug me when they are crying over an owie. Every moment I am impatient and frustrated, I regret it. These two little girls that play, color, "read", laugh, and fight all day are never in a hurry or immediately thinking of the next task. I am, though. I am constantly thinking about what I should do next or where I should go next. These two little humans have taught me a lot that I'm still trying to learn.
They are teaching me to just slow down and enjoy life as it is (which happens to be my 2019 phrase). They enjoy life on a level adults forget about. Making the bed isn't simply making the bed, like I see it. It's putting our baby doll and stuffed animal down for a nap. Eating lunch isn't just inhaling our food so we can move on, it's taking our time and enjoy every grape and every bell pepper piece to its fullest, while also singing "Johnny, Johnny" and stacking our cucumber slices as high as they can go. They just enjoy life, every part of it.
So as they sleep warmly in their little beds, all snuggled with their favorite stuffed animal, I'm remembering the word "enjoy." Just enjoy life, and stop thinking about the next thing. Enjoy the moment you are sitting in now. Enjoy the comfy clothes you are in, the cold water you are drinking, and the fact that you get to be wherever you are, do whatever you do, and be with the person you're with.
I certainly don't want to wish away my days. I don't want to wish for the day I move to a different town, or wish for a house to buy. I don't want to wish away the sweet alone time I get every single day with my husband. I don't want to wish away the adventures I go on or the times when life is calm and peaceful. I don't want to wish away the close proximity of family or the familiarity I have with this life. I know, deep in my heart, that these moments and days will be gone before I know it, and when they are gone, I will miss them so much.
Today, don't wish away your moments, but instead enjoy each and everyone of them. Soak them in, take no worry for tomorrow.
Just Enjoy.