My Christmas To Do List
Hi Friends! Happy Freakin' Holidays!
I decided to share my Christmas to do shared with you my Fall Bucket List which, if I'm being honest (and I try to be that), was not super successful. It just wasn't my thing. I did complete a lot of the things on that list, but it wasn't my thing in regards to updating it and actually crossing things off. But you know what is my thing? To do lists! Oh, I love me a good to do list! Frankly, I can't function and be productive without a to do list. I will actually forget to do anything unless it is physically written down in my notebook. I don't always get to cross off everything, but I do more than when I don't have a list in front of me. To do lists were my methodical, stress relieving life saver in college, they were the only reason my wedding came together, and they are the only reason I manage not to waste the 2-3 hour nap time at work (Not my nap time, though I wish that was the case haha!). When I get frazzled or stressed out, I create a to-do list and suddenly I'm no longer stressed.
To do lists are my favorite.
They give me life.
The holiday season holds a lot of special time to do special things, and I want to list those so I ensure that I remember to do them! I also have an entire two weeks off for Christmas break (hashtag when your employers are teachers!) in which I have real, adult stuff to get done that I CANNOT forget or I'll be upset with myself.
So here are all the things I want to do this season, fun and not fun.

ONE // A Bunch of Boring Adult Stuff
I need to get my car registered again in a new state, renew my driver's license, switch banks, blah blah blah. Getting married holds a lot of boring paperwork to go through. I've been married for almost six months and I still haven't finished it all! I'm hoping it's all done on January 1st, planning one day to knock it all out, fingers crossed we don't have any issues.
TWO // Bake Cookies
Baking cookies is one of my favorite parts about Christmas, and has always been a big tradition since I was a little girl. I cannot wait to make a list of cookies to make and make some goody bags for special people! I think it might even be an activity to do with the little girls I nanny, I think I'm going to do it the Saturday before Christmas...I'll share my favorite recipes when I do!
THREE // River of Lights
This is actually my birthday shin-dig this weekend, and I am PUMPED! We are going for the weekend and we will be seeing a beautiful display of amazing, intricate Christmas light art on the river. I will be sharing photos of that on Instagram (maybe here too, depending on how ambitious I am when the time comes). I think we will be ice skating and eating Chic-Fil-A too. (I know, we party hard).

FOUR // Prepare for the New Year
Preparing for the new year has been on my mind a lot lately. I've been planning and getting ready to set new goals. I am ready for a sort of refresh, the chance to try again. I can't wait to see what the new year holds for us and I am ready for it! This year has already been more awesome than I could have ever imagined and I'm not sure it can get any better, but we will see!
FIVE // Family Time!
I am really pumped for some family time! My brother is coming in from California on the 22nd so we will all get to hang out and play games (our family is going to make ugly Christmas sweaters). I am unsure if my other brother is coming, but the more the merrier!
SIX // Seeing my Best Friend
After Christmas we are heading down to Texas to see my friend get married, and visit my Papa, and then we will be spending New Years with my best friend and her boyfriend! I am super excited for this. I haven't seen her since my wedding and I am not sure when we will be able to get together again. It will be a sweet time!
SEVEN // Time To Recuperate
I am so ready for some time to just chill. Just relax, sleep in, rest up. I feel like I'm kind of drained (it doesn't help that I am fighting a cold/congestion) and I miss my husband too. I am ready to just be bums and watch movies and play video games!
EIGHT // Have a Game Night
My friends will be home from college and my brother will be here, so I really want to plan a game night! Whether it's a Super Smash Bros. tournament or a good old fashioned board game night, it'll be dope. Especially since all of us rarely see each other any more.
NINE // Send Christmas Cards
I had a whole thing planned but it didn't work out, so we are just going to write out some cute cards I found at Hobby Lobby! Which I don't mind because I really enjoy writing to people, it feels more special than a picture card you order online.
Those are all the things on my to-do list this season! Hopefully I get to them all. What is on your to do list? Any fun traditions I should add to my list?! Let me know below!
Merry Christmas Friends.