Thankfulness Thursday
Hi Friends!
I mentioned on Tuesday that one of my goals for November (and beyond) is to be more intentionally thankful. November is the month of Thankfulness in the U.S. and it is always such a good reminder of what we have, instead of what we don't. It is a command to Believers to be thankful! We are to be thankful at all times, and November is a good time to create a habit and heart of gratefulness. From now own, Thursdays are for Thankfulness! I will be sharing what I'm thankful for every Thursday and I encourage you to do the same. Erin Morris created a template for Instagram stories in which to share the things you are thankful for, and I thought I would create one for you, too. You can save this photo and use it to post what you are thankful for, or visit me on Instagram @therealslimkaydee and screen shot it from my stories! (This is not my original idea, but I thought it was a good one so I'm sharing it too!).
I will be sharing 7 things that I am thankful for every week, and why I am thankful for them! Here we go:
ONE // My Husband
I am always so thankful for him. He works so hard every single day teaching little elementary kids, he cooks for me, he takes care of my car and all the house repairs and maintenance. I am in disbelief that I got to have such a loving husband who works so hard to take care of me. Not only does he work hard, he is so goofy and fun loving. He makes me laugh and smile every day!
TWO // Hot Coffee
Hot coffee is definitely something to be happy about. I have a hard time drinking all of my coffee while it's hot and end up drinking it room temperature most days. When I have the chance to drink all my coffee while it's hot, I'm a happy gal!
THREE // A Good Night's Rest
Oh how I didn't appreciate how well I slept as a teenager! I still *typically* sleep super good, but I love those nights where I sleep hard straight until my alarm clock goes off! It is the best feeling in the world and I am definitely making sure I take full advantage of them before babies become apart of my life haha! I have a few years left of sleeping hard through the night, and I am going to revel in them.
FOUR // The Holidays
If anyone knows me, they know I love the holidays. Like, LOVE the holidays! I'm so thankful that we have a time of year that is all about family, fun, and cute decorations! I look forward to it every year, all year long! I love all of the delicious food, the fun music, the snow, the lights!
FIVE // Pretty Leaves
I don't live in an area abundant in Fall foliage, but I do always love the few beautiful trees we do get. I'm thankful for the beautiful yellow and sometimes purple leaves!
SIX // Good Smelling Candles
I think we can all agree that good smelling candles are the best way to make us feel cozy and at home! I can't wait to go pick out a Christmas candle!
SEVEN // Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
I am a chocolate lover through and through. I pretty much have to have a piece of chocolate every day and Reese's is my favorite way to do that! Although, if it's chocolate, I'll eat it no matter what brand it is!

(here is the template! It should be saveable, but you can always find it on my Instagram Highlights!)
That's what I'm thankful for this week. What are you thankful for?