Penelope Beedy Update!
On July 29th, we adopted a beautiful little puppy, Penelope! She was between 2 and 4 months old when she became apart of our family. A lot has changed since she was first introduced, so I thought I would update you all!
Penelope has been in our home for three whole months now and I love her so much! Having Penelope around has really made me love our Maisie Girl even more. Dogs are so much fun even though they are a lot of work! They seriously make me so happy, I love having soft + sweet puppers to come home to and love. They are such a calmer when I get anxious or upset. They also manage to be happy ALL. THE. TIME. and remind me to find the joy in everything! I'm also thankful for my husband, who has had two dogs of his own (including Maisie!) and is so good with training Penelope.

(the best photo I could get of Penelope on her first time at the dog park! She was too excited to sit for me)
Penelope is somewhere between five and seven months old! She weighed at 25.5 pounds at her last session of shots, and has lost lots of baby teeth. She is tall and rambunctious and is possibly the happiest puppy in the world. She finally lost her stitches from getting spayed, even though she worried me because she had them for 9 weeks! She is as healthy as can be!
She still loves to bite, but has learned to be gentle and play bite (most of the time). Her favorite toy is a stuffed dachshund and loves to chew on left over bones from dinner. She has started the morning race with her sister, and chases us down the driveway every morning we leave for work! She isn't quite as fast as Maisie, but her little legs are getting longer everyday. Penny has lots of fun and is usually passed out in her bed by 8:00 p.m.! We live in a very rural area and she is free to run and explore all day long, but takes lots of sunshine naps too.

Penelope is completely potty trained now! She very very rarely has accidents inside, unless of course her parents don't wake up in the middle of the night when she needs to poop! She has also learned to sit on command, and sits of her own will any time she thinks you have a treat. She was bad about jumping on me when I'm outside, but has learned the command "down!" and instead jumps wildly in the air (excitement is hard to contain when you're little!). Penelope likes to chew on and pester her big sis, so we are still working on no biting Maisie. We're making progress!

Maisie is really and truly her best buddy and Penny follows her everywhere (which we are thankful for because she won't wander anywhere without Maisie). They play and snuggle all the time! She loves Josh and I both, but sometimes I feel like she loves me the most (but maybe I just feel that way because I want her to love me more haha!). She follows both of us around the house and outside. Penelope loves her family! But, she really is such a happy and friendly puppy that she loves everyone she comes across.

I'm so so so happy to have a second puppy who is just as sweet as Maisie! Puppy dogs make my world go round.
Do you have a pet?! Tell me about them! I love pets so much!