My November Goals
Happy November Friends!
Can you believe that 2018 is almost over? I hope that your year has been wonderful!
I thought that it might be good to set some goals for this month (you know since it is the second to last month of the year). It is better late than never right? I will attempt to do this monthly, but no promises. The holidays are SO CLOSE and there is always a lot to do around this time. It will be helpful to have some focus! It will also be good to know what is really important right now.

ONE // Be Consistent
I want to be consistent this month! I want to be consistent in what I eat (minus Thanksgiving, obvi), be consistent in my workouts, and be consistent here on my blog! I think that October was a fairly successful month of consistency, but I want continue to do better! I am finally figuring out this blogging thing again, and finally figuring out my gym schedule. It's going to be a great month! Most importantly, I want to become more consistent in my quiet times. I have been pretty good about this lately, but I know I can be better. I know that it will help my heart and my mind if I am filling it with God's Word first thing in the morning.
TWO // Finish My Fall Bucket List
I have made some progress and will be sharing an update soon! There a few things that we will be unable to do because it is too late in the season to do it. The only things I can't do is cut firewood with the family (it is too late in the season to know if the trees are alive or dead) and picnic in the mountains (it would be freezing!). Picnicking in the mountains is not entirely possible, but it is most likely that we won't be able to do it this year. Maybe, just maybe, we can squeeze those in at the same time if we try hard enough! Everything is possible during this season!
THREE // Buy Everything On My Christmas Shopping List
I've made my Christmas shopping list and I am planning on marking everything off by the end of the month! That includes all the things I need to make. I know that it will be easier to shop now rather than later. I was planning on starting in October but I couldn't get my list together in time. So now it is time to really kick it into gear. It will be tricky since unexpected car troubles have arisen, but with a little penny pinching I can climb the great mountain of Christmas shopping. Does any else have a problem with continuing to add people to your Christmas list?
FOUR // Be Thankful
November is the month of thankfulness, and I think we can all agree on that. I hope that this month you are intentionally being thankful for what your have. The people, the things, the non-things. We can be brought down by seeing the beautiful gifts and holiday extravagance that other people have, but only YOU can become thankful for what you have. I want to be super intentional in my thankfulness this November and hope to carry it with me into the new year.
FIVE // Order Cute Christmas Cards
Yup. It's my first Holiday season as a married woman, and I SO want to take a family photo with our pups and send it out to people. I don't even care if they get thrown away as soon as they are opened! Merry Christmas from the Beedy's WILL be done. Even if we don't get a custom card, we will get a family picture to send to all, haha. (I know, basic newlywed, LET ME LIVE OKAY).
SIX // Actually Send My Wedding Thank You Cards
I've written them all. They just need to be addressed and stamped. Maybe they'll get sent out by Christmas, haha! Maybe I'll get that done this weekend!
SEVEN // Have More Fun
Sometimes I feel like all I do is go to work, go to the gym, come home and do house stuff, and go to bed at 9 p.m.. I want to have a little more fun and play games with my husband (its hard for me to get in the mood for games sometimes because he beats me at everything! He can't help that he is super smart) go for more chilly walks, finish that puzzle we started, maybe start some fun art project! Not boring adult stuff like reorganize my kitchen cabinets. I know it will make life easier and energize me and I need to do it! Life is more than work and more work. If you have any suggestions for fun couples stuff to do at home (we don't like to go out haha, hashtag introverts) I would greatly appreciate it!

Those are some of my goals for this month! They aren't big and exciting, but hopefully they help me stay on track and do the things I really want to do. What are some of your goals this month? Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?