Finally Figuring Out My Niche
Hi friends! Happy Friday!
So, for today's post, I actually had something completely different half way written when I was washing dishes and realized what I really wanted to write about today.
I've been blogging for a few years, in various places. When I revamped Coffee With Kaydee in the summer and relaunched my blog from scratch, I did a lot of research. I wanted to know how to make my blog well, how to run it well, how to create content people would want to read. As I read articles and other blogs, one thing I came across was finding a niche. Writing about one focus. This was hard for me to grasp, because I didn't have just one interest. I love fitness, home life, deep conversations, devotionals, and everything in between. I ignored this advice and, as you have seen, I've posted everything I wanted to post without being niche. I've continued reading and trying to figure out how to better this space. After all, I love doing this and I want to do it well.
In this process of reading and following other bloggers, I slowly began to title my blog a lifestyle blog. I followed several lifestyle bloggers to see what how they cultivated their blog and content. I was actually super disappointed in what I found. It turns out, the typical lifestyle blogger is all about shopping. They post constantly about stuff to buy and things to have. My heart sunk.
That’s not lifestyle, that’s just style! There is nothing wrong with style! It just isn’t me, and frankly if it was, I couldn’t afford it anyway!
There is nothing wrong with buying stuff and owning beautiful things. But for me, a newlywed with a small income and student loans, a blog "niche" in which I have to buy things in order to create content, or try to get others to buy things, was not for me. It also seemed a bit shallow to me? You have this platform, and all you are going to write about is where to buy the best rug for your living room? I mean, I get it, That's your thing, your "niche," but stop labeling it lifestyle, because it isn't. It's home design, it's fashion, it's advertising. But it isn't really helping people. Unless "helping people" means pressuring them to spend money they don't have on things they don't really need.
I'm a lifestyle blogger, and I am also not.
My "niche" is going to be different from the rest. I am going to reinvent the lifestyle blog. It will be about true life, and not just an advertising platform.

I want to be a lifestyle blogger and make it genuinely about life. That means writing about recipes and cleaning, working out, feelings, and God. What’s life without God? I can’t buy name brand things every weekend and it doesn’t bother me. I want to help and encourage people to live their best lives with the things they already have. I want to make YOU smile and feel uplifted when you click on that link. I don’t want you to quickly close a blog post because it’s all about how you can spend your money like I have many, many times. Your life and my life should not be about the things we buy and wear and use. It should be about our hearts. The struggles we have with self esteem and stress, the overwhelming joy we can find in Christ, the way we can use our “lifestyle” to make others’ better. This isn’t about the best deal at Nordstrom or Anthropologie. This is about using our lives for God’s glory and being a light in the darkness surrounding us. My niche won't be about how to buy your life, but about how to live your life well. This doesn’t mean I won’t be posting about food and cute clothes and workouts, your girl LOVES that stuff. But I’m also not going to feel the pressure to meet some standard of living that everyone seems to put on us. I’m not going to be frustrated with my tiny home and ugly, 50 year old green carpet. I'm going to be thankful I have a home that is very affordable and work on making it cute. I’m not going to be ashamed to say that I rarely ever buy name brand things, because I can find equals for $5 at Walmart. I’m not going to become discontent with my life, simply because it doesn’t match someone else’s. I’m not going to be pressured to spend my money where I need not.
I want to bring joy into your life, and I want you to leave every blog post smiling. I don't want you to feel inadequate, discouraged, or discontent. I want this to be a place where I can talk openly to you about my struggles, in hopes that I can help you with your own. I am going to live humbly. That will be my niche. I will strive to find balance between lifestyle and life. I’m going to talk about my favorite things, my favorite shoes and ways to make your home look beautiful. But I’m also going to emphasize that the material things we fill our houses with aren’t the important things. The people are important. The souls are important. Being a light in the darkness is important. I pray, earnestly, that I can accomplish this through my blog. I know that it is not widely popular, or designed perfectly. If you, reading this, are even encouraged, lifted up, or made happy in the slightest, then I have done well. If only one person ever reads this and is positively impacted, then it is worth it. I enjoy writing so much, and all I want to do is do it well.
I know this post has been very rambly. It may not make sense or matter to all, but for me it was a good realization. It is the basis on which I will build my blog.
I will continue to share things I have previously, but know that my heart in this. Know that I only want you to be encouraged, whether it is given an idea for decorations or listening to a playlist I create. Maybe it is by a devotional I have written, or maybe just because you relate to the emotional side of my personality.
I pray that you leave to day lifted up. Thank you for stopping here to read what I have written, even if you can't understand or relate to it in any way. Thank you for listening to my heart, and know that in all, it is genuine.