Fall Goody Box!
I have two wonderful best friends who are in the throws of their junior year in college. They talk frequently in our group chat about the stress they are experiencing and how overwhelming it is to manage working, getting good grades, relationships, and a social life. It is all very difficult, and this point in the semester gets tough. The loads are heavy and Thanksgiving seems super far away. You could always use any pick-me-up offered to you. Since I am a "drop-out" and have more time on my hands, I decided to send them a care package to brighten their day and encourage them to keep going! I remember while I was at BBC with them, getting a piece of mail totally turned my day around. My husband (then boyfriend) was the best at surprising me with mail! It definitely reminds you that while you are far away, struggling, and lonely, that someone cares and remembers you! College is tough, but good friends can make it better. If you know someone in college, hopefully this encourages you to put something together for them to help them through the last half of the semester!

The main thing I wanted to send in the box was a fresh loaf of pumpkin bread. Homemade treats are the best in college. They both have apartments but it is hard to find the time to bake when you have such a full schedule. A sweet treat is such a perfect way to brighten someone's day! They are both dairy-free, and this pumpkin loaf is dairy free! I'll be sharing this and other recipes on Wednesday.

Last weekend we got the chance to go to Target (it is three hours away from, so RIP Kaydee) and I saw all of the cute Autumn stuff in the dollar section! I couldn't pass up a chance to buy some cute Halloween dish towels! Then I found the cute signs. They are small, but nice ways to add some of the season into a home. The dollar section at Target always has cute stuff (I wish I could go more often!) and it is an easy way to show someone you care without breaking the bank! 10/10 highly recommend if you are going to throw together a care package.

The final touch were these adorable cards I found at Target! I am a pumpkin spice gal 100%, so these fit the theme of the package perfectly. These cards are a great way to actually say I love you! It was a pack of 8 so I am planning on sending them to a few different friends in good old fashioned snail mail. There is something about actually, physically writing a card or letter to someone that is super special!
I hope this was helpful and inspiring! Doing something small for someone goes way further than we think. Whether it is paying for the coffee behind you in the drive through, buying someone a small bouquet of flowers, or simply sending a small card, I guarantee it will put a smile on someone's face. You never know what kind of struggles someone is going through, and when someone is going through something tough, a small token of appreciation or thoughtfulness can make the season of trial a little brighter.