Things You Don't Know About Me
This week I was searching for ideas for new posts. Usually my creative flow is pretty strong but I was getting blocked a bit for today's post. Then it came to me, we need to get to know each other a little better! I am pretty much a face behind the screen, and unless we are friends in real life, you probably don't know much other than what you see on social media. There is a lot going on in my little world over here, and I would rather be honest than act like my life is perfect. I don't feel like I act that way, but I don't want anyone to think that of me. In fact, I often feel super insecure that my life doesn't look perfect (especially my instagram feed. It's foolish and silly, I know) but I am slowly working on this and becoming wholly myself. Who wants to live a life trying to put up a facade anyway? Sounds exhausting! So today I decided to share some things with my that you might not have known before. That way when you read what I write about, you know who I am.

Here we go!
My Biggest Dream is to Be a Mother...
Some people have the dream of being a successful CEO, and Olympian, a nurse, a pilot, or the strongest person in the world. I don't, I have the dream of becoming a mom. This has been a huge struggle for me actually. In today's society young women are encouraged to have a "real" career, go to college, and having a family is always a maybe or comes second. I feel like the world looks down on women who just want to be mothers as if they are giving up, as if they can't be independent and strong. However, being a mother is all I've ever wanted. I've thought + thought + thought about careers since Freshmen year of high school. Now that I am a real adult I have come to grips with the fact that I don't want to be a teacher, or a social worker, or run a company (although those are all wonderful career paths). I want to have children, I want to raise them and love them and teach them to be good humans in this world. Now isn't the time for this dream to be a reality, because I am thoroughly enjoying this stage in my life. When the day comes that this dream is my reality, I will be fulfilled and content because I know without a doubt it is my purpose.
I Absolutely Love Learning, But I Dropped Out of College...
AH! I've had a difficult time with this one honestly! It's true, I love school. I love having a massive pile of homework, and text books to read. I absolutely love the satisfaction of finishing assignments and getting A's! I also love the fact that I'm learning new things and bettering myself. However, because I was getting married, I couldn't really afford to continue going to school. I am going back soon, so I'm not a "drop out" but it is something I love and miss a lot! It has been a blessing in disguise because I get to do this instead.
I'm a Picky Eater & I Hate it About Myself
This is a fairly well known fact about me. . It's true, I don't like vegetables. I really hate it, because I know they are good for me and I wish I could enjoy them! I should be making more of an effort (I do try) to teach myself to eat them for my own good, but it is hard to eat food that makes you sad. I also hate eggs with a passion (I can't stand the smell of them, or the feel of them in my hands, they are the worst). Which I also dislike because they have so much protein and are a quick easy breakfast. However, I won't be making an effort with this because it is truly impossible. I think that if I put an egg in my mouth I would vomit.
I'm Super Sentimental & Emotional
I've stated that I'm an emotional person, but one aspect of being such an emotional roller coaster is that I get super sentimental. That's why I love the holidays so much! Last night I sat at my table eating a Lindor Truffle and was brought to tears because it reminded me of Christmas. If I smell a fire burning in a wood stove I am taken back to my childhood and it makes me so teary eyed. Today, I was looking through an American Girl magazine and I was overcome with the strongest sense of sentiment! Sometimes it is such an overwhelming feeling, but I appreciate it because it brings me sweet memories almost daily.
I Love the Holiday Season
The best time of the year is from October to January 2nd. I enjoy summer thoroughly, but I feel the best and I am happiest in the Fall and Winter. I love Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year. It makes me feel so warm and everyone is more joyful. I love the food, the baking, the gifts, the kindness, the decorations, the ambiance, I love it all! I'm so glad it is finally that time of year again (we had our first snow fall October 16th and I am LIVING for it). I am trying not to rush through because it is already going fast enough, but I get so excited for what's to come!
There is probably a lot more you could know about me, but this is all I can come up with for now! What is something that people don't know about you? I would love to get to know you too! Let me know in the comments and lets start a conversation. I really, honestly want to know who is reading. Fill me in on the person on the other side of my laptop!
I'll see you next week, have a fabulous weekend!