Weekend Recap: Beth Moore Event
This weekend I had the privilege of attending a Beth Moore event, something that I have hoped of doing for several years now! Beth Moore is a Bible Study author and women's speaker.
I began doing Beth Moore's Bible studies about 5 years ago, I believe. It has been one of the most beneficial experiences in my Christian walk, and I am not sure if I would be where I am without these deep studies of God's Word. Beth Moore is one of my biggest inspirations. She is one of the many reasons why I began my blog in the first place, and one of the biggest reasons why I am sure to make this platform one where I speak God's truth. One of the deep desires of my heart is to become a Christian author, and Beth Moore is someone who inspires me to continue chasing that dream and praying for it wholeheartedly. Getting to hear her speak in person was awesome!

This event was particularly special because it was held specifically for Native American women. There were over 25 Native American tribes in attendance! It was so cool to see so many women from so many tribes come to hear God's word and be lifted up. Some came all the way from North Dakota!
It was a wonderful time to spend with my mom, someone who has been with me through these studies and through all of my spiritual trials. It was also nice to process what I learned from each session with someone I can be honest and open with. We ended up matching that day too, which was pretty funny!

The worship was so wonderful too! They had Travis Cottrell and his worship team lead, and they were all so talented! It was a great experience to be worshiping and hearing God's word for an entire day.
The theme of the event was "Significant" and Beth Moore discussed how we are all significant in our calling. There were four main points: -Seen
If we are called and summoned by God, it is because He saw us + chose us. When we are called, God will supply everything that we need and provide the way for us to be sent. Whatever your calling may be, God chose you for that purpose, and He will lead and guide you the entire way.
This was particularly encouraging to me as I am searching for God's will for my little family. Whatever He has for us, it is because He chose us for that job specifically. I know that He will open all of the right doors in all of the right times, because He always has!
It was a great weekend, but I came home exhausted (I had to wake up at 5:45 am to get to the even on time) and didn't do much else on Saturday! In fact, I ended up falling asleep on the couch at 8:00 p.m.! Sunday was spent at church, with family, and cleaning my house (which needed it badly, haha). The weather this weekend has been so wonderful! It has cooled way down and has rained all weekend! I love it, and it is making me so excited for Christmas!
I hope that you all had a great weekend as well, and are refreshed and ready for another week!
I'll talk to you on Wednesday, where I'll be sharing all of my favorite things with you!