The Best Day Ever: Our Wedding
Marriage is such a sweet gift given to us. The union of two hearts for the endurance of their life on earth. It is something many people wait for, for a long time. I understand that it can even be painful to see others' joy when they themselves are sitting alone. Marriage is something I have always longed for, but at the time I met my husband, I wasn't looking for anyone to date. I was happy being alone and learning to be myself by myself. I think that is what is so sweet about our story, it was so out of the blue and surprising. Never did I think that marriage would come so early in my life or my relationship come so easy. When I thought about getting married, it was always in the distant future and I never imagined the man I would marry. Even when I met my husband, I never thought that it could be him.
I say this, because I remember watching couple get married and longing for it. I never had to experience a long stretch of singleness, but I can understand the feeling to a degree. Friend, I see you. I understand that my joy is hard for you to swallow, and that is okay. If you must scroll past this post and not read about my wedding, please do so. Know, that whatever season you are in, God has a plan for your life. Enjoy your life and don't spend it waiting, spend it living. When we live, then we find the love we desire. Whether that love is from a spouse, or just a deeper love with the Lord. It will come, and God will make it good. He always does.
June 29, 2018, was the best day of my life. It was a dream come true, and one that I still can't believe actually happened. 6 months of planning and worrying about it all going smoothly, to experience the day in a fairy tale like daze. I was so afraid I wouldn't remember all the beautiful + sweet moments but as the months pass, the memories pop up in my mind and I am so thankful for the 700 photographs to remember every part! I have decided to share with you my all time favorite moments even though it was super difficult to only pick some and not all, these are the ones that mean the most to me. The highlight reel of our wedding!

The girls got ready in a large room of the church. It unfortunately only had one mirror, so we brought our own! In hindsight, it probably would have been best if only I got ready at the church, but I really wanted us all to be together to experience the jitters and butterflies. It was special having all the women I love in the same room as I prepared for a new chapter of life. Especially since I needed the calming reassurances that it will all go wonderfully.

The men got ready in the church nursery (as they only took about 20 minutes compared to us girls' two hours). I am curious to this day of the atmosphere in that room and my husbands thoughts. I wondered as I curled my hair what he was doing and what he was thinking about. I especially love this photo because Chris (my brother-in-law) is helping Lyle (our ring bearer) get dressed for the day. It is a sweet + precious moment.

At first, I wasn't thrilled about the fact that the men had to dress in a nursery, but it turned out to be the perfect place as our little energetic ring bearers played before having to stand still for so long. It is hard on their little legs and little hearts to stand still for something I imagine they hardly understand, I am glad that they were able to play like boys do!

I sat in front of this mirror somewhat frantic and anxious (I never once was nervous to be getting married, but nervous that the day I had planned for months would not go well, and my look would not be what I had been practicing). I sipped my caramel iced coffee (the espresso machine at Starbucks was out of order on my wedding day! Tragedy!) and hoped my make-up would look right. I just wanted my wedding to be perfect. Looking back, I realized that it would have been perfect no matter what my eye shadow looked like.

I was ready, make up done, hair curled, corset tightened. I stood here, breathing. I put my phone away in my bag, and never knew what time it was. I continued to ask my dear friend Margaret, who was acting as wedding coordinator for me, who all was here, if the men were ready, and if it was time to go yet. I was so ready to walk down the aisle, to see my husband for the first time all day. As I stood in that spot holding my bouquet with sweaty palms, I reminded myself to breathe. Just breathe, because once it starts it goes so so quickly.

These sweet moments between parents and their children tug at my heart strings. The years of love, fights, struggles, laughter, and growth culminate in a moment of freedom and new family. Hugs and kisses and tears were had on this day as two families became a new one.

I love each photo of our wedding party as they walked down the aisle to stand next to us on this oh-so-important evening, but this photo of our ring bearers is priceless. Whoever started this tradition was brilliant. Small boys dressed in suits walking down an aisle is hilarious and sweeter than candy. They did such a wonderful job and gave a laugh and smile to everyone around them.

It took all my strength to not hurry down the aisle. In every movie and show I've seen with a wedding, the bride looks at her father and her guests as she walks down the aisle. I couldn't. All I could see was the handsome man I was about to marry at the end of the aisle. I tried so hard to not let the tears stream down my face but it didn't matter, my dad and I both cried!

There is my husband watching as I walked down the aisle! There are no words for this moment except that it makes my heart burst with love and joy. Such a sigh of relief when we locked eyes, finally. We decided that we couldn't see each other the day of, or even text unless it was vital to the wedding. Finally seeing each other was like a weight was lifted off of our shoulders.

My father getting ready to give me away. I am brought to tears thinking about this moment. I grew up as a daddy's girl, watching my father love my mother. He showed me what a real man was and how a real, godly man loves his family. If it weren't for my father, I know that I wouldn't have found such a wonderful man to marry. I am thankful for the man that gave me away to a new life.

Vows to love forever, to sacrifice, to support, to endure. This is what everything was for, the months of waiting and planning and stressing. It was all so we could publicly proclaim our love and promise to make it last a life time. This is a moment I wish I could relive any time I wanted. I am thankful I have him forever, and we can create a lifetime of memorable moments together.

To represent our new unification as man + wife we put together a unity cross. The outward cross represents the strength of the man and his role of protector + leader. The inward cross represent the beauty and gentleness of the woman and her role of nurturer + helper. The cross is held together by 3 pegs representing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three that will hold our marriage up and be the center of our lives.

"I now pronounce you man and wife..." were the words that had rang out from my grandfathers deep and gravely voice. Excitedly and breathlessly, I held my new husbands hands tightly and whispered "WE"RE MARRIED!" Finally.

Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Beedy!

I held onto this man so tightly, never wanting to let go or let him get out of my sight. He was finally + officially mine and I was not and am not letting him go ever. Also, my heels were so high and my feet hurt quite a lot and I needed him to support me so I didn't fall over.

This photo is my all-time favorite photo. It was the first moment as married that we had alone together. That hug was the best hug we have ever had. I was so so thankful and so so so so overwhelmed with love and the reality of our new life finally sealed forever. If this was the only photo I got from that day it would be enough.

My everything.

I asked our photographer to snap this photo for us for a few reasons. One, I wanted our rings together. Two, I was so happy with my manicure and wanted to document how pretty it was! Three, I made my bouquet over several months by hand and I was so happy with the way it turned out! Lastly, the ring attached to one of the flowers was my "something old," an opal ring my great grandfather gave to my great grandmother.

My grandfather, William Edward Merritt, married us on this day. He and my grandmother, Dorothy Elizabeth, had been married for 51 years before she passed away. They were an example of patience, love, endurance. It was so special that this man of God brought us together in marriage.

Our wedding party was so wonderful! It was amazing to have everyone we care about stand next to us, all of our siblings and my best friends. I wish we could have spent more time with them but a lot of them couldn't come in until one or two days before the wedding. It was still great to spend time with my new family + my brothers who I rarely see.

The signing of the marriage certificate was absolutely confusing. Our marriage license had more than one piece of paper and I wasn't sure how it even worked! However, it is this piece of paper that made it all official! It was such a time of celebration when we signed the license and turned it in!

We didn't smush each others faces with the cake (I did not want to get any on my dress!) but this was the only bite of cake we got from our wedding. We did save the top for our first anniversary but I know it won't taste the way it did that day. Also, I did so much planning but I forgot to make sure we knew how this part of the evening would go, so I had to ask my mom to make sure we cut the cake right! If I had to let something slip at least it was something as small as the cake cutting!

My brother whom I love and rarely see! It was so nice to spend a moment with him!

I think it is HILARIOUS that my younger brother-in-law caught the garter. He is barely holding onto it. It makes me laugh every time I see this photo!

My other brother! This cracks me up too, you rarely see him in a serious state.

The end, the last kiss before we leave our guests behind. I was so hyped up as we walked through the hot & smokey sparklers and ran to the car! The day was over. The vows were said, the cake was cut, and the papers were signed. Everything that we had been waiting for was finally over, all of the planning was finished and the party was a success. Finally, we drove off into the setting sun to start our life together.