Things To Do Instead of Scroll
I have a confession: I am a scroller. I wouldn't classify it as an addiction--but it is a really bad habit. When there is nothing going on, I scroll through my phone. It doesn't matter what I am scrolling, but I like to scroll (how many times can I write scroll?!). I think this has over-stimulated my brain for so long that my brain doesn't like not scrolling. In the silence or awkward spaces, I pull out my phone and look through images, read articles, like photos, whatever it may be. It is a bad habit. A habit I hate.
Now my scrolling issue was greatly improved from March of 2018 to June of 2018. This was because I deleted all social media apps from my phone. I was getting married though, and I decided that I wanted to post on social media because they all provide memories for you to look back on. My wedding month was memories I wanted to keep forever, and as we all know, the internet is forever. After the wedding, I started blogging again. Blogging means that it is somewhat necessary to be present on social media. Especially if your site is young like mine. Instagram is a helpful tool in growing my readership as well as Facebook (because friends and family are your best supporters!). I am back on Instagram and Facebook full-time. The ugly scrolling habit is rearing its head and I want to squash it.
I could come up with excuses like, "Social Media is simply a new hobby in my generation" or "I have to grow my blog" or "I am genuinely interested in a particular story and I want to follow it!" These are all true, but I don't want them to be the reason why I am not present with the people I love. So, here we are.
Before I give you the replacement options for your scrolling issue, I want to give some advice (that has worked for me in my life, I just haven't been doing them recently) for simply how to be on your phone less. First off, delete apps. Whether it is a game, a social media platform, or a news outlet, delete it if it is keeping your eyes on the screen. You can live without it. Second, put your phone in a separate room and turn the ringer ON. Set your phone in another room, so that it is not in your sight. When it is in your sight you are tempted to check it over and over again. If it is in a room (or even a cabinet) separate from you, you won't think about it. Out of sight, out of mind. If you are like me and need your phone close in case your boss contacts you, the ringer being on will let you know if you are being contacted! It is crazy that they put some kind of alert system there, right? Third, set specific screen times. You don't have to throw your phone in the ocean to break your bad habit, just set limits. My limits that I am setting today: If there are people around me, no phone time. The second limit is, only for 30 minutes in the morning am I allowed to be on my phone with another person present. See how simple it is? I think that limiting your phone time to when you are alone will make spending time with people much more valuable. Fourth, turn off notifications for all apps. They are very tempting! Lastly, determine what value your screen actually brings to your every day life. Is it helping you reach your goals, or is it distracting you from the meaningful moments and conversations? I have a feeling your phone/tablet/laptop is more distracting than helpful.
So here is a list of things to do *instead* of scroll through your phone to help break your habit!
ONE // Clean Something
If we are ALL being honest, nothing in our homes or living space is ever 100 % clean. I am sure that there is always a dish to be washed, and bookshelf to be dusted, a stack of mail to go through, or a floor to be swept. Instead of sitting there scrolling mindlessly through hundreds of posts, clean something. Fold that basket of laundry! Being productive will boost your mood even though you don't necessarily feel like completing that task and who doesn't need a boost in their mood? Especially after gazing at someone else's life, wishing we had that beautiful house or that cute dress.
TWO // Pick Up A New Hobby
I think that hobbies should be more common, especially among teenagers. Their new hobby is social media, which can have such a negative affect on self-esteem (I know from experience). Picking up a new hobby can be fun, entertaining, and educational. Learn how to crochet, or paint. Go hiking, go paint balling, start cooking or baking, gardening, learning an instrument etc,... The possibilities are endless and are so much better than looking at a screen. Some of these you can even do with someone else which brings people together instead of separating us through our phone screen.
THREE // Read A Book
This one is a tricky one for me, because 75% of the time I read books on my phone. So I am still on a screen, but in a much better way. Especially since we rarely read books when a host of people are around us. Reading books helps our imagination and vocabulary, it expands our minds! Reading is so good for the soul and is the perfect escape on a bad day. The reason I read books off my phone is because of the super quick access. I can buy any book at any time, and I can pull it out whenever without worrying about space. My mom conducted a "book tasting" (similar to a wine tasting) with her 5th grade class on the first Friday of school and I think it is a good idea for adults too! When reading books online you can download a free sample of any book. I suggest you find 10 or so books that you might be interested in and download their samples! They can be self-help, fiction, historical, educational, or fictional. It will help you learn what kind of books you like and then you will get sucked in!

FOUR // Puzzles
I can honestly say that puzzles are not my thing. On our honeymoon, we decided to buy a puzzle. I enjoyed the satisfaction of finding matching pieces somewhat, but Josh finished most of the puzzle. However, you never know until you try! They are stimulating and they stretch your brain. You can do them while you watch a movie or listen to a podcast too!
Board games are great pass-time and are way better than scrolling! They bring families and friends to the same table, and the competition is super fun! Next time you are with your family or friends, instead of taking photos and posting on Instagram stories, play a board game! It will be so much more fun. Here are some of our family favorites: >Sequence
This is a fun game of cards resembling Connect 4. You have a game board, tokens, and set of playing cards. The goal is to get 5 cards lined in a row! It is challenging and strategic.
>Ticket to Ride
Ticket to Ride is another game of strategy. Basically you have to connect a train from one city to the other according to your card, and whoever has the longest track or most tracks, wins! This is a family favorite. They even have Ticket to Ride Africa, Europe, New York, and more!
>Five Crowns
Five Crowns is like Phase 10 but better. It is much shorter and less defeating. The game can go fairly quick! You have to get sets and runs like Phase 10, but you don't get left behind if you miss one round.
> Phase Ten
Phase Ten is a long and intensive game. It is good for those nights that you want to stay up late. It gets frustrating if people aren't paying attention, so its a good game to go by the "No Phones" rule.
This game was given to us by dear friends and was hand made. You can buy various versions online, but it is similar to Chinese checkers! It is really competitive because you can repeatedly knock people out. Sometimes it goes quickly, sometimes it takes forever!
YES YES I KNOW "KAYDEE WE ALL GET IT YOU LIKE WORKING OUT AND THINK EVERYONE SHOULD DO IT PLEASE BE QUIET" However it is a great alternative to sitting on your phone! You guys can go read all of my health posts but working out has so many benefits besides just making you fit! You don't have to do weight lifting! You can start running, or doing yoga, or palates, or zumba! There are so many different forms and I guarantee you will experience some good changes in your life if you work out instead of scrolling through your phone.
SEVEN // Sit Outside
I know it sounds boring, but as I am writing this on the back porch, listening to the wind blow and the hummingbirds flit around me, I realize how nice it is to just sit outside and enjoy the nature. Even if you live in the city, go to a park and just walk or sit and observe. It is so peaceful. While looking at my phone I can become anxious and overwhelmed, but sitting outside I am filled with calm. Give it a try. I am not screen-less because I am typing this on my laptop, but I am being creative instead of mindless.

When I was 18 years old, I decided to stop blogging, and stop writing posts on Facebook and Twitter. Whenever I thought I had something to say, I wrote it in a journal rather than putting out into the world. Something about it helped me produce even more creative and interesting thoughts, and I never had regrets because I kept everything private. Facebook Memories can occasionally make me cringe but my journals don't because no one else has ever read them!
Start a real life conversation. Talk about the news, ask someone what is actually going on in there lives, ask them how they are really doing. And then, listen. Listen to their words and their heart, get to know them even better. Offer to pray with them or encourage them in some way. Be real and genuine.
This is something that I have been meaning to get more into lately because I love getting mail. Also, handwritten cards and letters are more meaningful than a quick text message! I think they are so fun and I am now, since I am writing here telling you to do it, committing to writing a few personal cards to my long distance friends!

ELEVEN // Send Care Packages
Instead of cards or letters, go shopping and pick up a few small items that someone you know will enjoy. They don't have to be fancy or expensive, it can simply be a cute coffee mug or their favorite candy. Bake some cookies or banana bread and pack it neatly in a box and mail it to someone! Be a light in their day and make them excited to get an entire box in the mail! I promise it will bring someone joy which will in turn bring you joy! I am planning a couple of these for my college friends to bring encouragement mid-semester!
I hope that today you are encouraged to be more present in your own little world. Have conversations and have fun. Don't just sit on your phone looking at others' lives while yours passes you by. Be a light to someone, learn something new, expand your mind!
What are some of the things you enjoy doing outside of work and screen time? I want to know! Lately I have been enjoying learning and trying new things so I am excited to hear what you have to say. Leave a comment below with your activity to do besides scroll!
Have a great weekend!