Part-Time Mom--The Best Job Ever
Last summer, I made the move from Missouri back to my home town to "pursue a different degree" but also to fall more deeply with the man who is now my husband. Over the summer, we had lots planned. Camp, family vacation, church events, and the biggest of all-10 days in Romania!
Now, when I moved I knew that I wouldn't pursue employment until later because I would have to take too much time off to travel. However, a job as a preschool teacher at a local Christian school was pitched to me. I applied, went through 3 interviews, and I was essentially accepted into the position. Or so I thought? I got a call later that the principle changed their mind and hired someone else. I was annoyed, hurt, and slightly panicked. Being jobless stresses me out even though at the time I was not dependent on my own income.
Rather annoyed, I began searching for jobs and was frustrated in my first day of looking. The same day I started searching for another job, my mom called me and told me about an opportunity to work as a nanny for a couple my mom babysat for in 2012.
This couple really wanted me to work for them and beat the hourly pay I was going to be getting anywhere else. Not only was the pay good, I was taking 18 hours of school and needed flexibility. Also, children are my favorite, so saying yes was super easy.
In August, I started my job as what I call being a "part-time mom" and it has been the most fulfilling, interesting, lesson-filled job I've ever had. Both parents are teachers so I have the summer off, but I have missed those little girls so much.

What is it like, being a part time mom?
Well, first and foremost it is a true honor to be entrusted with the care of someone's precious children. It's almost like a gift, but a gift you have to take care of. It is like being given a plant, or a dog. Except, way way way more important.
Being a part time mom means you worry a lot, almost as much as the full time mom worries. Why are they not eating a lot? Have they drank enough water today? Did they have fun today? Did they learn something important? Did I treat them kindly and fairly or did I lash out in frustration? If I did lash out, do they realize I still love them?
Being a part time mom means you are really tired (real, full-time moms, how do you function?). 9 hours of little children is somehow exhausting even if the day is very low-key and quiet. I go home tired. They even have a 2 hour nap-time every day and I still come home worn out. It's days like that when I am so grateful I can go home. Especially when I end up working 12 hour days. (Guys, moms have 24 hour days! 7 day a week! No days off! They are truly the hardest working people that exist).
Part time mom life means you are constantly, constantly cleaning. Sweeping grapes off the floor, gathering the legos so they aren't lost. Wiping noses, cleaning up spills, changing shirts and diapers. Wiping dirt off of their feet.

My job also means I answer so so so many questions. About the time, the next activity, what words mean. I mean, it seems they never end! It gets frustrating sometimes, but it is mostly so fun to watch their curiosity and watch their little minds blow when you teach them something. It makes you feel like a genius when a 4 year old asks you a question.
Part time mom also means that I am constantly teaching. Teaching shapes, colors, vocabulary, reading to them, teaching them to cut and draw and be kind and clean up after themselves. Teaching them to not pick their nose, to make their bed, to share, to express their feelings, to be obedient. To be decent humans.
It means that I will always be almost good enough, but never Mom. A lot of days I'm thankful I am never mom. I am thankful I get to go home to peace and quiet. It also makes me long for the day when I am the Mom, and I have my own little precious faces to wipe. When it's a hard day, and mom is sad to go and the girls are sad mom and dad had to leave, it makes me wish I could make them feel better. Kaydee is not always what they need, and it hurts that I can't always give them that. However, it makes looking out the window every afternoon to see if mom or dad are driving up that much sweeter!

Being a part -time mom also means that I get to still focus on myself. During nap time I can do my hobbies, I can write, and I can prepare for a grueling work-out that evening. Being a part time mom means that I also appreciate and admire mothers all over the world so much more than I ever did. They are amazing, and I can't wait to join the group some day!
My job has been so fulfilling. I am thankful for the experience for when I do get the be THE mom, but I am also thankful because a lot of days it keeps me from wanting my own kids. I hope that doesn't sound terrible, but children are so much work and so much goes into making sure they are okay. I am glad I can just chill out from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and not have to worry about them. I know soon enough that I will be worrying and thinking 24/7 about the little life that I am responsible for, so for now I am glad that work stays at work.
What do you love about your job? If you hate it, what's your dream job?
Have a great weekend!