New Life--Ever Changing Times
Hello all,
Wow, this post is going up WAY late. I apologize for that. However, I took a week off for my honeymoon and I am just trying to get back into the swing of normal life. We still haven't gotten into a regular rhythm yet because we have been reorganizing and decorating our home. For about a week I have been so stressed out and tired because my house is a mess. (Mess-related anxiety is a real thing I learned! Maybe a post about it soon?). A list of factors have played into my lack of motivation and are the reason why this post is sooo late!
Honestly, I was struggling to come up with something to write about that made me happy and satisfied. I wrote about three drafts this week and never felt satisfied with what I was writing!
Yesterday though, I re-downloaded my Snapchat app. I had deleted it in March because I was so sick of the new format and frankly, Snapdhat got SO boring. It was essentially a waste of my time, and Facebook and Instagram are heading that way. If it wasn't for my blog, I would have already ditched Instagram. As I was scrolling through my Snapchat today, I decided to go to my memories and see what I had saved recently. It then hit me: my life has changed so much since the memories feature came out (a measly 3 years ago). I have moved 3 times, I've had 4 different jobs, 2 different homes, and the biggest change has been my marriage!

3 years ago this month I had only just bravely told Joshua that I loved him before I moved 1,000 miles away to go to college. A place where I met my two best friends. I eventually decided that that specific college wasn't for me, and I moved home in hopes that my relationship with Josh would continue to grow (it did!) and attend a less expensive school pursuing a degree i actually loved.
I dropped out of school for financial reasons and to get married (a super hard decision, one I struggle with a lot...I will share that story soon).
Here I am, married a whole two weeks. My life looks nothing like it did 3 years ago, and I am so grateful for all of the good + beautiful changes I have experienced. Not only in my surroundings and in my place in this world, but in myself.
Memories are so sweet + I am so thankful I have them. I am so looking forward to all that is to come in this life. I am excited to look back again and see where I moved, see what new additions the Beedy's have made to their family (hopefully a puppy + a baby eventually).
It is crazy to think that as a child life seems to crawl by at the slowest of speeds, and suddenly you graduate high school and time starts flying by!
I hope that you all hold on to your memories, hold them tight and enjoy the here and now + look forward to the good things to come! Life is good, and if it doesn't feel good now, remember that it will change. It will be good!
Have a great weekend friends, and I will see you next Friday!